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First Blog

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Greetings fine people!

Well, this is the first entry in my brand new, state of the art blog. It took some fooling around with to actually get it to work, but everything seems to be up and running pretty smoothly now. I hope nothing breaks, cause if it does, I have no idea how to fix it.

Well, let's see what we can talk about.

The Election

The election is on the go. Honestly, I don't HATE Paul Martin, but I don't agree with much of the stuff he does either. Honestly, I think I would actually vote for the guy if he didn't want to legalize gay marriage, prostitution, and all that other stuff that I'd dead against. Thus, Steven Harper seems to be the best choice. Not to mention, if he gets in it'll be the first time in years that we won't have a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec as our Prime Minister.


Church seems to be going great these days. Last Thursday night in CA's was amazing, and Sunday night gone and Prayer meeting last night was something to remember. Now I'm looking on to this Friday night and hope it goes along the same lines. Pray for this week's service, will ya?

Anyway, I gotta jet and get to work. Make some money to support the wife and kids. Hopefully this blog will be a routine thing for the next little while, until I get the full site up and running.

Keep Looking Up,

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