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Da Flag Racket

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I can’t believe I’m joining the crowd and giving my two cents on current events. I like reading about these kinda things, but I very seldom write about them. BUT, I do want to weigh in on what I call “Da Flag Racket”.

First of all, let me make it clear: I’m a Conservative. I voted for Cyril Pelley Jr. back in January, thus, I wanted Stephen Harper to win, and Gerry Byrne and Paul Martin to lose. (I’m pretty sure I’m spelling some of these names wrong, but that’s not the issue right now) So with that being said, theoretically, the majority of the stuff Stephen Harper does, I agree with it. If that wasn’t the case, I wouldn’t have voted for the guy!! Then this whole flag thing comes along with all the soldiers in Afghanistan and the country is in an uproar with Stevey boy. That’s right, not the government-Steve!

Now, I trust you follow the news, so I would like to just jump right into this without offering any explanation of what I say.

I think recognizing these people in general on November 11th is the best way to go. If not, then I want the flag lowered for every single one of those people who didn’t come back from overseas in the last 100 years. The people in Afghanistan as paying a great price, but so did ones before them, and they didn't get the flag lowered!

Then you have to look PAST the soldiers. Are they the only ones who keep us free? What about Police Officers who help rid the streets of crime? Perhaps doctors who save hundreds and hundreds of lives every day. Firefighters who risk themselves all the time, just so we won’t have to. What about these people? They don’t even have their own day!!

As for the media coverage of the soldiers returning, bravo with that. I really don’t want to see a casket being wheeled off an airplane. It’s not exactly entertaining television seeing a grieving mother weeping over her son’s dead body. The fact that the news would even WANT to cover anything like this kinda disturbs me.

Folks, I’m very grateful for the sacrifices paid by other people every single day to make sure this country is a great place to live. I’m not trying to downgrade what the soldiers are doing, but I am saying that if these people want to be recognized, what difference is it going to make if ONE flag in Ottawa isn’t at Half Mast for a couple of days? I think all that kinda stuff does is bring way too much attention on a family that’s trying to mourn the loss of a loved one who was taken from this earth much too early.

Give Steve a break. He’s doin a good job, and I stand behind my Leaders.

Keep Lookin Up

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  1. Blogger Josh | 12:39 p.m. |  

    hey Rud.. finally.. something I agree with you on... ha!

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