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Saturday, September 16, 2006

Yahoo! Photos is one of the greatest services I've ever seen! Unlimited - that's right, UNLIMITED - amount of photos and space. You can upload as many photos, as you want, and have them as big as you want! That's amazing. I love Yahoo now. lol

Because of this, I'm using this fine service with my new Sony DSC-H2. My albums are at http://photos.yahoo.com/rudy.norman and so far I've got a good many albums. I've grown rather fond of photography lately. Mainly stuff I find interesting. I like challenges, and the thought of "I wonder can I get a picture of that?"

Now, rest assured that the pictures in my albums are compressed and downsized. The reason? Because I don't want people stealing the photos and printing them off. This way, they're not big enough to do anything "big" with, other than look at 'em. So check out my photo album. I update whenever I get new pics of something. Also, there's a permalink in the navigation.

Keep Lookin Up

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