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All Systems Go

Friday, January 13, 2006

Well, this is day two of my whole blogging experience. The fact that I've managed to do this for two days in a row is a miracle in itself. I've realized that even though I think about a considerably vast amount of information in the span of 24 hours, most of it I wouldn't even dare think about sharing with the rest of you. Why? Because most likely you would get the automatic assumption (shouldn't assume by the way) that I'm crazy. Then, before I know it, a few of you are getting together and making plans. One of you is (or are; honestly I'm not quite sure) looking in the phonebook for the number to Waterford Hospital in St. John's, while the rest of you are arguing over who's getting the fruit basket and who's getting the $75.00.

Youth Night

Tonight is yet another youth night. Only the second one of the year, and I've already gotten word of two members of the worship team who won't be there. I'm fearful that as the day progresses other series of unfortunate events (did that movie ever come out on DVD?) are bound to take place. If not, then I guess this is just a lucky day. But, considering it's Friday the 13th, I can't help but be just a little tiny bit superstitious.

The Weather

It's incredibly warm for this time of year. Then again, we got snow yesterday, so this is probably a bad time to mention this. If I had this blog a week ago, that would have been a good time to mention this topic. Note to self: Start blogs earlier.


My good friend Requel sparked my energy last night and had me digging through the archives for some poems I wrote a while ago. These are never before seen works with only two or three of them read by anyone besides myself. Not even Robin has seen these things. I'm debating whether to share them or not. Perhaps I will, perhaps I won't. First thing first, I'm gonna have to come up with a reason for people to actually read this blog. Hmmmmm..... never thought of that before.

That's pretty much it for this post. I seriously highly doubt being able to keep this up every day much longer. But oh well. We'll see how it goes.

Keep Lookin Up,

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  1. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:43 p.m. |  

    Hey Rudy, Looks much better now! Good job! ;)
    Can't wait for church tonight.. :) YEY! Gonna Rock! Well.. Can't wait til you get's ya site over! Should be cool :P

    Cheers Man & Prayers

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