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"Walk the Line" aka, "'Ray' with White People"

Monday, March 20, 2006

Well, blog, I have forsaken you for a while now, and for that I apologize.  Basically I just have very, very little to talk about, and it’s hard to talk about something when you have nothing to talk about.  But, after a stern talking to from Charlotte, and a reminder that Jash is now even doing better at blogging than I am, I figured I had to come up with something to say.

Tonight I cracked and went to rent ‘Walk the Line’.  Like the title says, AKA, ‘Ray’ with white people.  (Not my joke).

For me, this movie had it’s moments, and a few times I had the feeling “this is a pretty good movie”, but some more times it was just, “what?”  Basically this thing accomplishes NOTHING, except tell the very hard and confusing story that is Johnny Cash.  But, even if that’s what the purpose of the movie was, no one can tell the story of Johnny Cash like Johnny Cash, so DON’T TRY TO MAKE A MOVIE BASED ON A BOOK WRITTEN BY A GUY IT’S WRITTEN ABOUT!!!!

Although, I must say, Reese Witherspoon is amazing in this thing.  She made ME want to marry June Carter Cash.  Or maybe she made me wanna marry Reese Witherspoon……. Hmmm… I’ll have to check into that.

Either way, I give this movie a 6.5 out of 10.

That’s about it.

Keep Lookin Up

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  1. Anonymous Anonymous | 12:38 p.m. |  

    Well Rud, nice to know you liked it eh? ;) lol jk.

    I'd like to read the book myself, and find out what the movie is REALLY based on. I enjoyed it to the fullest!

    But hey, you have to give them props for doing all their own singing. I've heard it mentioned that they should have had one clip of the "real" Johnny Cash doing some singing at the very end, but hey- Won't complain.

  2. Blogger Josh | 6:46 p.m. |  

    Well, I never watched the movie, but 4/5 people recommended it... so.. ha! I think i'll get it sometime... in the future! ha! - maybe when it comes on like CBC as a featured presentation in 3-4 years~! ha!

    Anyways... Keep it up! ha!


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