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Never liked tag, personally

Monday, February 20, 2006

Someone tagged me on their blog. Now, I have to do this or else all the colossal forces of nature will bare down on me, and I’ll have 7 years bad luck because I broke the mirror, not to mention what’s gonna happen after I walked under the ladder and opened the umbrella inside. Oh well, that’s life. Anyway, here’s the survey:

Keep Lookin Up

Here's what you do: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so:

Queen of West Procastination
PJ Funny Bunny
Ruds Thoughts

Next select five people to tag (only if you wanna, no pressure):
Josh Thomas
Charlotte Green
Requel Burton
Robin Lush
Laura Robinson

What were you doing 10 years ago?
Sitting in Mr. Earle’s grade 4 classroom, and enjoying life like any other 9 year old

What were you doing 1 year ago?
Takin it easy in the back of Mr. Chipp’s English class and listening to everyone talk about the grad

Five snacks you enjoy:
Carmel Log
Homemade eatmore bars
Max 5 bar
Chocolate chip cookies

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
Just about any worship song
Any Casting Crowns Song
Place in this world by Michael W. Smith
This Man by Jeremy Camp
Candle in the wind by Elton John

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
10% to the church for a data projection system and some new cymbals
Fulfill wishes of family and friends
Take a trip to Generation Church in Seattle and Hillsong Church in Australis
Buy a nice vehicle and house
Keep the rest for a rainy day

Five bad habits:
1-5: Procrastination

Five things you like doing:
Web Design
Relaxing with friends
Goin to church

Five things you would never wear again:
A bowtie
Those little baby booties currently on my shelf
Montreal Canadians jersey/hat/pants/socks/underwear/anything else I used to have with Montreal Canadians on it
Wool socks or mitts

Favourite toys:
Video Camera
MP3 Player
Flash Drive

Four Jobs I've Had:
Youth Intern: Smith’s Harbour
Youth Intern: Burlington
Typist: Gordon Walsh
Web Developer: Share Foundation, WONE Youth Ministries, Burlington/Smith’s Harbour CAP Site, Smith’s Harbour Recreation, Back In Time Museum, Town of Burlington

Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over:
Remember the Titans
John Q
YC 2003: One
LOTR Trilogy

Four Places I've Lived:
1-4: Burlington

Four Shows I Like To Watch:
House… and the person who doesn’t watch House is missing out on an important part of life
Billy Graham television specials
Call for Help
100 Huntley Street

Four Foods that I Like:
I choose not to answer this one, because of lack of time

Four Sites I Visit Everyday:

Four places I'd rather be right now:
No where, really

Four Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
Write a book
Go to Hillsong/Generation Church
Take a tour of the Holy Land
Reach as many people as possible for God

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  1. Blogger Spin Original | 9:50 p.m. |  

    Thanks Rudy for doing this! I never liked Tag either, but there's no running in this game!
    I learned a lot about you. I really don't know a whole heck of a lot about you to begin with. You are far, far from where I remember you to be. I think you're wonderful!
    Re. Crash - I thought it was a very good movie, the story line anyway. I agree about way too much swearing. The point could have been brought across without all the vulgerity.

  2. Blogger Spin Original | 10:00 p.m. |  

    And, hey, thanks for your comments on my blog. I appreciate it!

  3. Anonymous Anonymous | 11:41 a.m. |  

    Rud, you tagged me. How dare you? :P Kidding, kidding. I filled it out, and now it's posted on my blog. :)

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