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Can you say Withdrawl?

Sunday, January 22, 2006

The second Sunday in a row and there's no church!! Since December 11, we've had ONE-count it, ONE-full day of Sunday Services! I'm seriously goin through withdrawl (don't know how to spell it, and don't really care) and if they don't have church tonight, I'm gonna go insane! There's only so long I can go without Great God Jehovah before I get upset.

The fact we have no church can only mean one thing. Yep, the ground is covered in snow once again. This isn't an unfamiliar sight, but if we wake up tomorrow morning and it's still there, I'll be impressed.

Finally, tomorrow is the big day. Indeed, election day is here. Not gonna call it, cause I really don't know. Stevey Boy has let me down the last couple of days. I guess the polls went to his head, and he's way too sure of himself. If the way he's acted the last while is any indication how he's gonna be in office, then he can forget about my vote. Honestly, Jack Layton has a good campaign, but he wouldn't make Prime Minister. And good ole Paul would actually get a plug comin from my way if he didn't wanna get gay marriage in there. Oh wait.... and the sponsorship scandal... that too.

Keep lookin up

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  1. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:56 a.m. |  

    Rudy Wrote: "Stevey Boy has let me down the last couple of days. I guess the polls went to his head, and he's way too sure of himself. If the way he's acted the last while is any indication how he's gonna be in office, then he can forget about my vote. Honestly, Jack Layton has a good campaign, but he wouldn't make Prime Minister. And good ole Paul would actually get a plug comin from my way if he didn't wanna get gay marriage in there. Oh wait.... and the sponsorship scandal... that too."

    Josh Wrote: "Oh Rudy by' you're letting ya guard down by.... Jack Layton is scary... one second he's bashing the Liberals, then all of a sudden he's running the Conservatives down to dirt, they are all playing a really crappy election/campaigning, but Stephen Harper is seriously the best... the Liberals are just gone to far and NEEDS to be taken down, and the fact of you saying or even thinking about giving them your vote is shameful! lol - Come on man! Anyways,.... It's sad!

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