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American Idol

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I watched American Idol last night, and provided commentary on every person who sang. A total of 30 people made the cut for their big television moment. Please note that all of my decisions and comments were made BEFORE the judges decided if they should go to Hollywood or not, thus this is my opinions, not based on what Simon said. Here you go:


  1. Derek Dupree: Pretty sure of himself. Are you kidding me? That was sad. Every year they’ve gotta have a gimmick. This guy wasn’t a good choice.
  2. Katrina Yaukey: What was that she started with? Millions of songs out there and she can’t choose one?
  3. Justin Sticht: The first song was just sad. The second one? I admit, wasn’t the worst thing I’ve heard

Break… and we’re back

Just gotta mention, the guy in the little girl costume? I see why your mom didn’t believe in you.

  1. The Twins: Not really my style. Don’t they weren’t that great, actually.
  2. (twin 1) Terrell Brittenum: Good strong voice… average for me
  3. (twin 2) Darryl Brittenum: Wow. I was impressed

Paula putting the moves on Simon…. Poor act

  1. Gina Glocksen: Get out of the dentist office! I love this girl’s voice. Wow, amazing. Great look as well. Really suits her.
  2. Gina Noriega: Why do they even show people like this?
  3. Mandisa Hundley: Doing Alicia Keys? That’s suicide. Good big note. Would have liked to see more.

What was Simon getting off with about the bigger stage? If he thinks Mandisa was big, I pity poor Reuben!

Break… here we go again

  1. Kevin Brenneman: Who’s this guy foolin? In some foreign country I’m willing to bet he’d be big. Not here man
  2. Charles Berry: Not nearly good enough. I don’t think it was the WORST thing, but still not that great.

Even if Simon IS an act, that’s not good TV. Is this what America enjoys?

  1. Amanda (Didn’t catch her last name): Wish I didn’t catch her at all.
  2. Brandon Groves: I wish you’d shoot something! This guy is a respected member of the community. Not anymore. How many times did he say that line over?

Another Commercial?

Every year they do this with someone…. It’s sad

  1. Christine Davis: Dress is nice… voice is OK in her own special way. She’s cute, but not good enough

Derek Dupree on the street? Get that guy off the screen please

  1. Blake Boshnack: This hurts me to watch. Your 15 seconds are up, man, see ya
  2. Derek Dupree (again): I actually liked him the first time. How much are they paying this guy? Seriously
  3. Eric Lawhon: I didn’t think children were allowed in this competition?

GO GRANDMA!! Too Bad Simon is right about your grandson though.
How many sponsors do these guys have?

  1. Brooke Barrettsmith: I liked her. She’s cool
  2. Leah Barrettsmith: More smooth. Like her too. Not as cool, but she’s good. Actually probably a better voice
  3. Yvette Gomez: If she’s been singing all her life, I give my sympathy for her family
  4. Zachary Smits: Not really my style, but it’s pretty good
  5. Jessica Nelson: The worst part? She probably thinks she’s good

That girl that was talking to the camera’s for a while there, but and losin her mind? I actually thought she was a half decent singer. NOT better than Carrie Underwood, but decent.

  1. David Radford: REALLY not my style of music. Honestly, I don’t like this kinda stuff. But, I think he’s good at what he does.
  2. Crystal Parizanski: This girl seriously had me rolling around on the floor. She defies logic, and science all at once. If they let her through she’s gonna be the laughing stock of the WORLD!

How many commercials is this? Not counting the ones I missed!

  1. Stuart (Weird Last name): This guy must not know this is AMERICAN Idol.
  2. Yuliya Matus (Probably not spelled right): Don’t like the song, and I pity America if they have to put up with her for three more years. Why is Paula taking off her clothes?

    Ok, there’s another commercial, and two people sang since the last one. That’s not even right!

  3. Joshua Simmons: I like this song, and he does a half decent job with it
  4. Jarrett Simmons: Pretty good. Just as good as his brother
  5. David Hoover: This is what Stefan Newbury is gonna be like next year at Canadian Idol. This guy is flatter that a pancake run over by a 747. I think the worse thing is that he probably knows he can’t sing, and is just trying to beat the system.

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  1. Anonymous Anonymous | 8:00 a.m. |  

    David Hoover: This is what Stefan Newbury is gonna be like next year at Canadian Idol.

    HA! - We gotta come up with a plan Rud by'...lol...

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