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The Election

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Ok, so I haven't written in this thing for a while, which is really sad because I was doing really good with the one a day thing. Either way, I'm really in a rush right now because I have a lot of work to do and way too many assignments to complete. Although, seeing this has set fire inside me, and I have to say something about it.

I was just watching a Canadian Entertainment show, and they interviewed several Canadian celebs regarding the newly elected Prime Minister. What really bugs me is every single person they interviewed downed the Conservatives, comparing it to President Bush's America. Some people were saying they were PRAYING for a minority. "Minority GOOD, Conservative, BAD" said one guy.

Personally, I believe if this is any taste of the society we live in, I regret the fact that we actually reside in this country. When it becomes negative for a political leader to speak out in support of religious freedoms and not support such vile acts of legalizing protitution, homosexual marriage, and others, then it's not the government that's corrupt, rather it's the people living in the country.

The fact is, no matter who won the election, they were set to be the target of critisism and the punch line of every joke you can think of. Canada is a nation, just like the United States who for some reason finds it entertaining to poke fun of those in authority and those of higher power. This principle didn't start with George Bush and Stephen Harper, however, but it's been going on since the world of "comedy" and "entertainment" began.

Where is a nation and where is a people who are willing to stand up and not be afraid to stand up in defence of authority? Where is a people who aren't afraid to say "I RESPECT" whoever has the duty to be head and chief of our great nation. (WHICH by the way, just like the states was built on the foundation of a Biblical standard)

Stephen Harper is Prime Minister not by his own choice, but rather the confidence and the support of the same people who are now rising against him already-the citizens of Canada. The way people are talking you'd think Harper is our new communist leader. But that's not the case. Stephen Harper is our new democratic leader. The man who the people of this nation believe can do the best job in preparing us for the future. What's wrong with just accepting it, and going on with life?

Keep Lookin' up

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  1. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:53 p.m. |  

    Good on ya Rudy by'... well said! ;)

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