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I want a Mac

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I've never actually used a Mac.  I've only seen one Mac in person, and even then it was off in the distance, and I didn't actually get the chance to touch it.  When the Parker Trio were doing their NL tour, their sound guy used it to show a movie on the screen.

But Mac's are amazing.  I support them, and I don't even have one.  The thing is, I can't get a Mac.  Well, I guess I could, but it'd be hard.  I'm pretty sure they don't sell them in Newfoundland.  So I'd either have to order online, without a credit card, which is virtually impossible, or I'd have to go out of province.

The other down side is I'm sitting on a lot of software here, but it's all for my PC.  Dreamweaver, Flash, Office, Photoshop, all those discs I have with the windows based versions will be worthless if I switched over to Mac!

But then again, Apple comes with a fair bit of software already installed, so it won't be a total loss.  iLife is worth the price of the Mac itself when you see what can be done with it!  Only thing is I don't think they have anything there for web development, which I'm very upset about.

So my dream would be to have a Mac, and have it set up right next to my PC.  I'd  never be able to fully convert to Apple, because PC has been good to me so far.  But I would consider supporting both platforms.

Anyone who wants to donate me a new Mac and a bigger desk, it'd be greatly appreciated!

Keep Lookin Up

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