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Because Josh Inspired Me

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Last night I was writing in my vent book about friends. After reading Thoma’s blog, it’s brought me back to that point again.

Friendships sometimes depress me, because I’m at the point now if I’m wondering if it even matters anymore. There used to be this person who made me figure that friendships meant something. This person was above and beyond a friend on most cases, and could easily fit the description of “best friend.” Then it left. The friendship deteriorated, and now we’re more of acquaintances. It went from “yeah, this person is doin this tonight” to “hey, what have you been up to lately?”

The thought of that cuts sharper than a knife. I’m a firm believer in the fact that everyone should have someone to vent to. Someone they trust, they feel comfortable with, and they know they can tell ANYTHING to. Lately I’m finding myself keep so much stuff in. That’s why I went
and bought the vent book, and I’m finding myself writing page, upon page, upon page of venting. Only thing about it is the book doesn’t talk back.

Then friendships come and go. Or so they say. But see, I don’t buy into that! “Well, things change, people change”. Sure, maybe they do, but I don’t think friendships change, unless you want them to change. If someone wants to move, and you cut off all contact with them and stuff, and don’t make an effort to remain friends, then yes, that friendship is gonna die, but if you make the effort, I’m convinced that the friendship will not be broken!

Like I said, it hurts me on the inside when I think about this. I’m thinking I’m soon gonna have to find a girlfriend who’ll end up bein da wife, so I’ll have another “best friend.”

I think that some friendships die, but it only happens when the people involved let it. Oh what I’d give to have the time back.

Keep Lookin Up

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  1. Blogger Josh | 10:49 a.m. |  

    it hurts eh by?
    We're so in the same boat this time around - and it's not fit!
    As for the 'people change' and the whole effort thing, TRUE! But if one side says 'I'm trying' and the other party can't see it in the slightest, well - that alone causes damage.
    My best bet is to cut the people out of your lives that cause pain - it's so much easier - on them AND ON YOU!

    Easily said!



  2. Blogger Spin Original | 1:11 p.m. |  

    You are very true to say that if people choose to still be friends even if one moves away, then it can be. Look at Joan and me. I moved away 11 years ago, and we are still friends. Not as close as we could be, but she is always in my heart, and I'll love her forever. People do change and so does circumstances - that is the bigger issue. True friendships last regardless of circumstances or situations. However, friendships take work. If you don't work at it, it ain't gonna go anywhere.
    I could go on and on about this topic because it is very pertinent in my life right now. But, I'll save you the boredom...

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