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Flash Timeline

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

This Post was Edited for Content

Thom is working on the town website and as part of the updates, he's doing a timeline. Now, Thom has decided to go the image route for this timeline, and the moment I saw it, I exclaimed "THOM, NO! DO IT IN FLASH!!" Thom refused.

So that just proves that Thom doesn't like flash. WHAT KINDA PERSON DOESN'T LIKE FLASH????

Personally, I LOVE flash. It's amazing! Flash is the best thing to come along since PHP and MySql. So the other day I was sitting down at the computer, bored out of my mind. I decided to try my hand at my suggestion to Thom, and do the timeline in flash.

At first, I was going to just use pieces of Thom's image and animate them, but I decided not to. Thus, I started from scratch, and just used the info on Thom's image.

I showed the early stage version of this to Thom, and guess what. He didn't like it. Surprise, surprise. But that doesn't eliminate the fact that I love flash.

So here's the timeline so far. Some of the dates aren't done yet, because Thom isn't finished the other image that brings us up to the present day. After that's released (can you smell the anticipation?) I'll clean it up a bit, add the rest of the stuff, and conclude it with some final features I have in mind.

Keep Lookin Up

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  1. Blogger thє quєєи. | 11:17 p.m. |  

    nice timeline Rud...

    But... am I sensing some tension here, between you and Thom? lol

  2. Blogger Josh | 10:05 p.m. |  

    no tension of my side.. I don't know about Norms' haha! Nah, we cool - right Norm? :)

    Anyways, Peace!

  3. Blogger Josh | 6:40 p.m. |  

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Blogger Rudy | 11:49 a.m. |  

    No Spam, Thom. Let it happen again, and you're banned.

    Keep Lookin Up

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