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American Idol Finale

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Well, tonight American Idol will beofficially over for yet another season. I just wanna know who's prayerdid it!

Let's be honest here. The whole American Idol thing is just REALLYgetting too old! In 5 seasons, they've made way too many people part of a growing stereotype, and possibly ruined their lives forever.

Everyone knows that the only one who ever got anywhere with it was Kelly Clarkson, and the only reason she succeeded is because she realized that American Idol would ruin her career so she jumped out on her own, signed with another label, and now she’s a Grammy winning, international superstar.

But look at the rest of the people: Reuben and Clay were around for a while, but since they both started admitting they were Christians and wanted to focus a bit of their talent on that (Reuben made a Christian CD and Clay wrote a Christian book) their record labels dropped them, and now they’re serving gas for 6 bucks a hour. Reuben is finally trying to come back, and planning on making another secular CD to get his career going again, but I really think the damage has been done.

Season three saw Fantasia and Diana. Personally, I liked Diana a lot better than Fantasia, but that’s beside the point. Either way, I haven’t seen either of them since the finale! Fantasia already had a kid when she tried out for American Idol, and personally I don’t think someone with such a big commitment should be touring all over the country regardless. Which is why Diana should have won it. But since she came in second, sadly, she’ll probably end up posing for Playboy or something in a couple years, trying to revive her dying career.

Then last year we had Carrie and Bo. I’ve seen them around a couple of times, but their careers definitely haven’t skyrocketed. Bo is married with a kid now, so his career is put on hold to spend some time with the family before it even begins! Then Carrie is on the country scene, so I wouldn’t know who she is anyway.

Which leads us up to this season.
Last night was possibly one of the worst finale’s I’ve ever seen for an Idol show. Right off the bat, let me make my confession: I haven’t really followed this season of American Idol since Mandisa got booted. I found out who was still in, probably every couple of weeks or so, but haven’t sat down and actually watched a show since the Mandisa days. I figured I would at least catch the last two shows, since those are the biggest and the brightest of them all. Are you kidding me?

This Katherine McPhee person (by the way, wasn’t there a movie called Nanny McPhee?) and Taylor Hicks are the last two left. So let me go back over the show, and offer my two cents.

Click Here to read my commentary of the final perfomance show

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  1. Blogger Josh | 5:59 p.m. |  

    MR. NORMAN! GOOD THING YOU ARE NOT A CRITIC - YOU'D FAIL FIRST REVIEW! Mostly for the simple fact that you said Taylor's performance wasn't that good - and Elton John... COME ON! LEVON is possibly one of the best songs out there! And KAT's 2nd performance.. WHAT was stuck in YOUR ears man? SHE DONE AMAZING! She can EASILY (even more then Carrie) hit the high notes, yet struggles with the low (hence her single... horrible!)
    As for Taylor winning - I AGREE! He's unique, different and what the music industry NEEDS! I'm sick and tired of all these same old singers, we don't want another Hilary Duff or another Fuel band member or another lame poor excuse of a rock singer (like Chris) to be on the scene. Give Taylor a chance.. he might not do good with the AI record cause it might be totally different from what HE wants... Get a few songs from HIS CD (the one before Idol) and listen to em.. THEN come back and tell me if he's good or not...

    Again.. if I had to judge your review ... I'd give it a C+ ! Could have used a lil' more positive tone there too.. and as for Diana (season 3) being on that magazine cover... I hardly doubt it... she'll go on and do what she wants... it won't involve music OR any form of media! Same as Bo, Clay, Ruben, that Justin dude (season 1) and possibly even Carrie.. she's 'famous' now.. in 6 months they'll be asking CARRIE WHO? Mark it down...

    As for Kat... she might go on and do something with movies or some form of media... she'd be good at that I think. She's not a strong singer but so ain't any of the top 12 this year... clear of Mandisa (NOW THAT GIRL HAD THE 'IT' FACTOR...)

    Again, give Taylor a chance.. his CD might not be the best but he'll go on and make some amazing tunes.. trust me.. ;)


  2. Blogger thє quєєи. | 11:05 p.m. |  

    "Could have used a lil' more positive tone there too.."

    Okay, so who was it sounded like he walked into a wall last time he commented on MY blog?

    Hmmm... Just can't seem to place a finger on who that was...


    I have to say though, every one of them has been a flash in the pan and nothing but. Idol is a pretty worn out show if you ask me. I still say I like Taylor, but I can't see me actually buying the CD.

    Well, I used to be obsessed with it, then I took a reality check lol. If I seen it on Idol, had to have it. But nowwwwwww... Yeah, it's just getting boring! I haven't even really watched this season. (At least, not since Garet Johnson was on there... I thought he was so funny ^_^)

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