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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

This is a brand new browser very similar to FireFox, except so far, better. WHY is this browser better? Because of it's built in features not in FireFox, such as this blogging service. I'm blogging right from my browser here. With FireFox that had to be an extension, and it was very unstable. With Flock, this is solid as a rock.

But get this one: anything you see online, all you have to do is select it, right click and choose "Blog This" and it automatically inserts what you chose into a new blog post. That's how that Flock Logo got up there. This feature, I like a lot.

It also works with some photo services, but not Yahoo! Photos, so that's a down side. Although this is still in beta, so I'm sure they'll expand. But competing with FireFox? hmmmmm Not sure how they're gonna pull that one off.

The favourites system is also different in this browser. It's all based on Stars, and they use Tags. Great feature. So far, I'm liking Flock. I really am.

Check it out... http://www.flock.com


  • Built In Blogging Service, including the right click "Blog This"
  • Built In RSS News Readers
  • Built In Photo Services
  • Favorites System
  • Operates much like FF 1.x, so users won't have to adjust too much.
  • Close Window "X" is on each individual tab
  • The Stop Button is also the Refresh Button????
  • Blogging Service doesn't have the alignment options in the WYSIWYG, as well as a few more options found in the Blogger WYSIWYG. Its a pain to write the HTML for it all.
  • Photo Service doesn't support Yahoo! Photos (Flickr only allows 20MB... Yahoo gives you Unlimited!!!)
**EDIT: Thanks to the comment of someone from Flock, I've corrected some of the cons. I'm not liking this browser even MORE, and when it's not become pretty much my Default browser. The Pro's outweigh the Cons. Good stuff people. :)**

Keep Lookin Up

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  1. Anonymous Anonymous | 8:22 p.m. |  

    Hey Rudy,

    Glad to hear you're digging Flock.

    FYI, you can change the search engine in Search Preferences at the bottom of the search dropdown. You can also right click the toolbar to customize and add a Go button.

    Yahoo! Photos support is planned for the future so stay tuned.


    Will Pate
    Community Ambassador, Flock

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