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10 Secrets

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Ok, so the following are 10 Secrets, or things that very few people know about me. I trust that after this none of you will think any less of me, nor will you hold any of the following against me.

Keep Lookin Up

Number 01:

When I was in the first or second grade I was in the principal’s office for bein out of my seat when the bell rang, but I blame it on Amie Young cause she told me the bell hadn’t rung yet. Debbie Pelley brought me, Ashley Saunders, Jeff Manuel, Pat Saunders and Frisco Thomas out in the principal’s office. As soon as we walked in, she told Jeff and Ashley they could leave, and after waiting a moment, she told me I could leave, but to watch myself from now on. She kept Frisco and Pat there, and to this day I wonder what fate they suffered. I didn’t tell my family this until about a month before my High School graduation, and they were surprised I was able to keep it from them this long.

Number 02:

When I was an age I can’t recall, but pretty young, I was at Shopper’s Drug Mart, and looking at the cards (which I still do to this day) and some how managed to rip one of the cards which had a picture of a dinosaur or a dragon or something on it. I didn’t tell anyone, but simply put it on the back where no one would see it, and walked away, scared to death I’d get in trouble.

Number 03:

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been secretly addicted to listening to the Gaither songs, which consist of most of the tunes we sing in Church, but not as cool. It’s mostly old people singing, but I actually like it a bit.

Number 04:

I check my e-mail more than 5 times a day, (usually) even if I’m not expecting something, and get a little excited when I have a new message

Number 05:

Out of the 136 contacts currently one my MSN list, there’s about 20 people I’ve either never talked to, or have been limited to 2 or less conversations, and a handful more who I haven’t talked to on there for at least 6 months.

Number 06:

I struggle at doing simple math calculations in my head. Something as simple as 13+14, would take me about 5-7 seconds to figure out. I’d go 10+10 is 20, 4+3 is 7, 10+10 is 20, ok, so 20, plus 4 is 24, plus 3, so that’s 25, 26, 27! 13+14 is 27! Notice it was pointless for me to do the 4+3, but I still did it anyway

Number 07:

There’s a lot of cool stuff in Wal-Mart, and I like shopping there.

Number 08:

There are people who live in Burlington that I don’t know. People come up and talk with me, and they assume I know their name, basic family history, and so on, but in reality I haven’t got a clue who this person is. Also, many of the people I DO know, I have no idea who their family is, and living in Small Town NL, that kinda stuff is common knowledge.

Number 09:

I have aunts, uncles, and first cousins who I wouldn’t know if I saw them on a street or something. Most of them, I have no idea of their name, or how old they are. I got a cousin on MSN a couple of weeks ago, and I had to ask him what grade he was in.

Number 10:

I start 30 or more games of solitaire every day, and finish less than half of them

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  1. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:39 p.m. |  

    Can't think any less of you Obi Wan. I relate to numbers 4, 6, 7, 8, and 10.

    Except Freecell is my game, more so then Solitaire. If there's a good mouse on the computer I'm using, it's minesweepers all the way. I love that game :D

  2. Blogger Josh | 9:59 a.m. |  

    Man, I'm even blogging better then you now! ha! I'm so pleased :) - lol!!!

    I want a new one... :P

  3. Anonymous Anonymous | 9:41 p.m. |  


    Mr. I-Haven't-Blogged-In-A-Month


    haha. Sorry.

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