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651 Days, 13 hours

Friday, July 21, 2006

October 7, 2004, as far as I can figure out, was a pretty big day for me.  It was the day before we left to go to YC 2004 in Gander.  But before we go there, let's go back even FARTHER to December 25th, 2003.  That's the day I got a gift that made me feel grown up.  Someone actually gave me a very cool looking blue device, that could actually be put to good use-my very first razor.

I thought it was cool, because it was electric.  Not only that, it was also one of those cool ones they advertise on TV.  The head (the part that shaves) actually takes the shape of your face, so it's flexible and all that good stuff.

I used that razor for a long time.  Always gave a nice clean shave.  I used it, in fact, until October 7, 2004.  That night, while preparing for the YC trip the next day, I made some final arrangements, and did two things I was due up for: a haircut, and a shave.

Time went on.  You can see in some of the pictures of YC 2004, I appear with my new haircut, and new shave, which took place just the night before.  Of course, things started to grow back within time.  The beard which I always kept away, started to appear again in a couple of days.

One day, while sitting in class, (no idea which class... probably English) Ashley Saunders and I were having a conversation.  During that conversation, she issued me a challenge.  Keep the beard growing, until Graduation, which was a little over 7 months away.  I accepted.

We went on until May, and on May 13th, 2005, I realized I had met Ashley's challenge.  The beard was still there, and up to that point, had not been completely shaven since that night before YC 2004.

I looked at myself in the mirror on May 13th, and prepared to remove the facial hair.  But then, I realized something: I couldn't do it.  This beard had become a part of me.  It was now who I am.  I shouldn't get rid of it.  "I will Keep It!"

And so, I've lived every single day since then, with a beard.  It wasn't any Abraham Lincon type thing, but it was mine, and I liked it.

The thing is, nan has been bugging me ever since that day in October when she realized I had gone longer than usual without shaving, to remove the beard.  She's made it known to me, and to others - she don't like it.  But like I said, I liked it and that's all that mattered.

Now to the big moment.  A few moments ago, I did the unthinkable.  It shocks even me to say it, but the truth must come out.  Ladies and Gentlemen, I got rid of the beard.

That's right.  It's gone.  I don't know why I did it, but I did.  It's Gone.

I now feel very upset.  I want to go into hiding until it grows back.  I assure you, I won't be shaving it anymore after this, but the 651 Days, 13 hours I spent with a beard now seems like they've gone down the tubes.  Now I'm back to 1 hour 9 minutes.  But oh well.  Here's to going for day 652 this time around.

Keep Lookin Up

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  1. Blogger Josh | 10:02 a.m. |  

    well Mr. Norman - that is quite sad! Peer Pressure... you caved Rud! they nagged you to get rid of it and you CAVED! Shame on you! ha! Oh well, it'll grow back... :P

    Peace Mr. Norman!

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