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Thursday, July 06, 2006

Could someone - ANYONE - please tell me what it means to be a professional??  I mean, what qualifies it?  Where's the line you cross to go into a professional?

I ask this after I bought a book today, and on the back where it talks about the author, it describes him as a "professional storyteller."


What's that again?

A Professional Storyteller.

Yeah, I figured it was something crazy the first time I heard it....

Anyways, I'm not even going to bother.  Actually yeah, I am gonna bother.  You know why?  Because this is MY blog, and MY bothering!

What in the world makes a person a professional story teller?  HOW, I ask you, can a person even be CALLED a professional storyteller??

At first, when I thought about it (and yes I did think about it) I figured that you're a professional when you do something for a living.  But then I wondered "so that guy I saw in McDonald's today... he was a professional... burger... flipping... frying... guy..."  I don't hink so.

So then I thought maybe you have to have a degree or some kinda education in the field of which you speak.  But then I realized... why aren't there professional Pastors?  Professional Missionaries??  Professional Teachers?  Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm??

So where does the professional come in?  I WANT TO KNOW!

I wanna be a professional.  A professional in what, I don't know, but at least I'll be a professional!  Someone let me know please.

Keep Lookin Up

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  1. Blogger Josh | 10:31 p.m. |  

    Well Mr. Norman - this HAS to be the oddest blog you ever posted.

    Keep It High Man

  2. Anonymous Anonymous | 12:09 a.m. |  

    well i for one have to agree with you Rudy. lol

    Me and Requel were saying just the other day... What does it mean to be a professional?

    And there's people out there...

    They say they're professionals, but at what exactly?? Not at what they want people to think, that's for sure!!


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