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The Day

Friday, October 06, 2006

YC2006 SHOUT! :: Pepsi Center :: October 6-8 :: Corner Brook Newfoundland :: YC 2006 Info Shout

Today is the big Day I guess. In a few hours we'll be headin er to Corner Brook for YC.

If you pray, PRAY for YC. Even if you don't pray, PRAY for YC. If you don't know what to say PRAY for YC. Just say "God, I pray for YC." He knows your heart, and he knows the hearts of the people that's going to be there this weekend.

Jer came in last night on the same plane Tree63 came in on. Kinda ironic, actually. lol

Anyways, I'm off. My 100th post shall be when I get back from YC, and to make it special I'll make it my recap and post the pictures.

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  1. Blogger Josh | 11:06 a.m. |  

    Father God;
    I pray over this coming weekend and the events planed during YC. God, you know exactly who will be there and what exactly will take place. I pray that this entire weekend will be devoted to you fully God, a right attitude of worship will be there, a right set of mind will be there, the right attitude will be there God. Pour out your blessings and spirit on that place not just today or tomorrow or the next, but Father set an awesome desire in the hearts of each young person that will not just die out as the weekend fades- bless the leaders, bands, speakers and anyone else who may be involved.
    Use YC as YOU want to use it God!

    There Rudy! I'll for sure remember to pray and will get all the people here to pray! Go worship God in all that he is!



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