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Saviour and Lord

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Well, I didn't really wanna make a formal announcement yet, but I can't hold it in. I promised myself that I'd wait until the logo was done before I posted it here, which is what I did, so be thankful, people! Anyway, here it is.

I've been writing a book for the last little while now. It's called Saviour and Lord, as you can see to the left, and should be done in a few weeks or so. I've got a publishing plan already figured out, and the cost of the book should be under $15.00. HOPEFULLY! As for length, I'm not sure. My goal is to keep it around 150 pages. I want to get the message across, but do it as easily and as quickly as possible so I don't lose the readers. I'm also going to be posting the first chapter here in the next couple of days, hopefully to get some people's feedback on it and stuff. So there ya go. That's the plan. Wish me luck, and please pray for this thing!

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

Da Flag Racket

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I can’t believe I’m joining the crowd and giving my two cents on current events. I like reading about these kinda things, but I very seldom write about them. BUT, I do want to weigh in on what I call “Da Flag Racket”.

First of all, let me make it clear: I’m a Conservative. I voted for Cyril Pelley Jr. back in January, thus, I wanted Stephen Harper to win, and Gerry Byrne and Paul Martin to lose. (I’m pretty sure I’m spelling some of these names wrong, but that’s not the issue right now) So with that being said, theoretically, the majority of the stuff Stephen Harper does, I agree with it. If that wasn’t the case, I wouldn’t have voted for the guy!! Then this whole flag thing comes along with all the soldiers in Afghanistan and the country is in an uproar with Stevey boy. That’s right, not the government-Steve!

Now, I trust you follow the news, so I would like to just jump right into this without offering any explanation of what I say.

I think recognizing these people in general on November 11th is the best way to go. If not, then I want the flag lowered for every single one of those people who didn’t come back from overseas in the last 100 years. The people in Afghanistan as paying a great price, but so did ones before them, and they didn't get the flag lowered!

Then you have to look PAST the soldiers. Are they the only ones who keep us free? What about Police Officers who help rid the streets of crime? Perhaps doctors who save hundreds and hundreds of lives every day. Firefighters who risk themselves all the time, just so we won’t have to. What about these people? They don’t even have their own day!!

As for the media coverage of the soldiers returning, bravo with that. I really don’t want to see a casket being wheeled off an airplane. It’s not exactly entertaining television seeing a grieving mother weeping over her son’s dead body. The fact that the news would even WANT to cover anything like this kinda disturbs me.

Folks, I’m very grateful for the sacrifices paid by other people every single day to make sure this country is a great place to live. I’m not trying to downgrade what the soldiers are doing, but I am saying that if these people want to be recognized, what difference is it going to make if ONE flag in Ottawa isn’t at Half Mast for a couple of days? I think all that kinda stuff does is bring way too much attention on a family that’s trying to mourn the loss of a loved one who was taken from this earth much too early.

Give Steve a break. He’s doin a good job, and I stand behind my Leaders.

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

Blog War: Kissing Rampage

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Well, folks, Josh has really gone too far here now. I mean, it's OK to be
friendly, but this goes beyond that. Looks like he's gone on a Kissing
Rampage. That's right, he's goin after EVERYONE!!!! Now, he tries to
dress up in a disguise, so we won't realize who he is, but there's no trouble to
recognize him. He doesn't want people to see these pictures, because it
proves the rumors are true, but I think the public have a right to know what to
expect. Lock the children in. No one is safe from the menace.

First, Josh went after Oprah. What did this poor woman do to deserve this???

Then it was on to Camilla. Me and Prince Charles are gonna have your head for this one Thomas!!

This is very disturbing. I mean, sure, Michael isn't the greatest or most sane guy around, but not ever HE deserves this kind of torture!!

Poor Ruby!!!

This just reaches new heights of weirdness, and something has to be done to stop this. Folks, We are in trouble to say the least. If this goes on, there's no telling what he'll do!!

God Help Us!!

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

Blog War: Jash Potter

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Author: Rudy » Comments:

Blog War: Josh Seacrest

Josh Has resorted to producing very badly edited images of me, which are totally unrealistic and dumb, as far as I'm concerned. In war, that's like shooting your enemy in the foot or something. It might hurt for a second, but the enemy still has PLENTY of energy to fire back. I on the other hand like to move in for the kill right away, and use REAL ammo, and not the rubber bullets he shoots with. Like this for example:

Lookin stylish there, sunshine.

By the way, this is NOTHING. I mean NOTHING!! Like Charlotte has already said, I have GOLD! So just try me, man. I dare ya!

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

Celebrity Look Alikes

Friday, April 21, 2006

Well, I was bored today, so I tried to find some cool stuff to do online. Did I succeed? Sort of. I found a web site that allows you to submit a picture and will quickly analyze it to tell you which celebrity you supposedly look like. I have no idea who this guy is. Jean-Luc Godard or something. Either way, apparently I look like him. lol Look at the shoulders. I think that's what they're talking about.

Robin asked me to try it with her as well. She disagrees with the web site, but it said it was a 71% similarity, so I think that's pretty good. Chin and cheeks are similar.

Oh yeah. Josh foolishly gave me a pic of himself as well, but didn't ask me to try the celebrity thing. I had to do it anyway, and the results were to say the least.... ironic. hahahahahaha I don't know about you, but I think it's a perfect match ;)

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

Firefox Failed, and Josh was Right… can life get any worse?

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Ok, so I got interested, and played the MASH game online. I did it because it’s been years since I’ve even seen that game, and I was really bored. BUT, my problem was, it didn’t work!!

So I complained in Josh’s comments about it, and he suggested it was Firefox causing the problem. I tried it, and lo and behold, he was right. Yes, Josh was right. AND Firefox failed me. Folks, life cannot get much worse than this.

Anyway, I don’t think this is a fair representation, because I might not have all the same options, and I KNOW they’re not in the same order as my original lists. But, never the less, here’s my results.

You will live in Apartment.
You will drive a Blue SUV.
You will marry Camillia and have 3 kids.
You will be a Evangelist in USA.

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

Tree 63 at YC 2006

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Ok, Ok, I've made it known lately that I'm starting to get a bit upset that I haven't been able to get any inside info on YC this year. For instance, last year, at YC 2005 I knew about Jeff Deyo, Tree 63, and Reuben Morgan all before hand, thanks to some detective work online. In 2004, I found out about Charlie Hall before hand. But this year, I had nothing! And I was starting to get a bit upset about it. Scott said that YC is keepin a tight lid on it all this year, since it's leaked the last couple of years. BUT, have no fear, your buddy Rud is here!

Turns out our friends Tree 63 are comin back this year. This is from the band's official MySpace Music section.

So who says MySpace isn't good for anything? Oh yeah... that was me....

Anyway, I'll keep snooping around, but remember, you heard it here first. Tree63, YC 2006. The only thing is on their site it says they're gonna be in St. John's, but this is a common mistake that's been made before, especially with bands that are returning.

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

3 years later, and just realizing it

I was browsing around the World Wide Web tonight and I came upon a picture that I recognized. This shot is supposedly of Worship Leader Charlie Hall. I recognized the picture from back in the day when Charlie was promoted to be at YC 2003. There's only one thing: THIS ISN'T CHARLIE HALL!!!!! I found the pic from an interview Charlie did, I don't know how long ago, but even so. Charlie has been Charlie all his life, so how old the interview was shouldn't matter.

I just found it funny is all. This is actually the electric guitar player in the Charlie Hall Band. Great guitar player, great back up singer, but not Charlie Hall. haha I guess the pic just looked good, so it doesn't matter about the person in it, as long as it looks good. lol Anyway, just thought this was kinda funny.

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

Wanted to Borrow: The DaVinci Code

Friday, April 07, 2006

To Borrow, a copy of "The DaVinci Code" by Dan Brown

Borrowing would be for an unsolicited amount of time, since depending on how good of a book is, I don't read that fast.

If you live outside the A0K area code, you can mail the book to:
Rudy Norman, 52 Harbourview Road, Burlington, NL. A0K 1S0.

Book will be returned in the condition I receive it in as soon as I'm done, including reimbursmant for postage you paid to get it to me. Does not matter how many times the book has been read before, as long as it's readable now.

Please contact me by e-mail, rudy@rudsplace.net, if you are able to assist me in this matter.

Reason for Borrowing: I don't like Dan Brown, and I don't want to give him my money

I just went over to GC and listened to a sermon by a guy who's a lot smarter than me, named Jim Garlow. He talked about the DaVinci Code book, by Dan Brown who I'm not going to link to, because he's just a very bad guy. BUT, Jim Garlow did confirm something that I've been wondering lately: Should I read the DaVinci Code? I mean actually sit down and read it? According to my buddy Jim, Ph.D, and a pastor of a huge church in California, YES, I should. Hence this post.

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

Two Kids @ 17

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I was just reading VOCM News, and found out something that was actually pretty shocking to me. Read for yourself:

There'll be a fundraiser tonight to help the family of a young girl who died suddenly last month from toxic shock syndrome, linked to a body piercing. 17 year old Crystal Taylor left behind two small children, ages one and two. Crystal's cousin Jennifer Taylor says they are organizing a card and bingo party tonight to raise some money for the children's grandmother. The event takes place at the Hub starting at 8pm and admission is $3.

Now did you catch that? The girl was 17 years old, and left behind two children!! It must be hard enough to have one, but TWO??? I'd like to know how she managed. Not to mention they're having a fundraiser to help out the girl's mother. If they're THAT financially unstable, I feel very sorry for these people. Although, I've seen em have fundraisers for people who were practically millionaires, so I don't know what the case is this time. Either way, pray for that family. Looks like they'll need it.

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

YC Announcement Today???

I was on the YC Newfoundland site today, and I noticed something kinda interesting, but I'm not sure what it means. In Firefox, if you right click on the page, and view the page properties, it says that the page expires on Wednesday, April 5th, 2006, at 9:41pm. That just happens to be tonight. I'm wondering if this could mean anything with regard to the announcements for the bands? hmmmmmm I'll be in church tomorrow night at that time, but I'll definitely be checkin it when I get home. And if I'm right, remember that this was my big discovery for this year's YC. Last year I had three of the bands at this point, and this year I got nothing. Kinda disappointing, really.

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

The Juno Awards

Monday, April 03, 2006

If this is Canadian Entertainment, I think I’m moving to Pakistan. That’s right, I just watched the Juno’s. Actually, I only watched some of it, because I got trigger happy on the fast forward button. There’s something wrong with calling this show “Canadian” when the host probably can’t locate the country on a map, the two most looked forward to performances of the night are Coldplay and Black Eyed Peas. Even at a Canadian awards show they have to import acts from other countries to keep the interest level up! I’m telling ya, Pakistan is lookin better and better.

Rex didn’t win any of the awards he was up for, and since he said this publicly himself, I have no shame in admitting it either: I didn’t expect him to win. I mean, Michael Buble, or Rex? I’m not downing either, but Mike has been around the block now, and for them to even nominate Rex next to him says way more than anything Burlington has ever seen.

Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, WHY would the get Pamela Anderson to host the Juno Awards? 10 bucks says the teleprompter looked like a colouring book whenever she was on stage! I loved Jason McCoy’s comment (who’s changed since last time I saw him) when he said “I didn’t know Hugh Hefner was producing the Juno’s this year.” Bravo, my friend. That hit the nail right on the head. This show, in what little dignity it has left is supposed to showcase the best in Canadian MUSIC, not has been Playboy centrefolds. All Pamela did was offer a bunch of over the top and unnecessary sexual comments and actions. Save it for silicon valley, Anderson!

By the way, is she completely out of her mind?? Coming to Atlantic Canada, hosting a Canadian awards show, finally admitting that she’s Canadian, and protest the Seal Hunt?????? That’s Suicide!!!!! At that point the producers of the show should have realized “hey, maybe we should have got a different host this year”

Speaking of hosts, who was that Josh Palmer wannabe who used to cut in every now and then and try to rap? Poor guy, I felt sorry for him.

Anyway, the Juno’s were pretty sad, to say the least. Now I’m off to book my plane to Pakistan.

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