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I feel like Noah at Christmas

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

It's been raining for days. I'm serious. DAYS!!! Plural there, people. Actually I think we're almost coming upon a full week here now that there hasn't been ONE DAY that we didn't get rain!! Yeah, at least that long. Now I'm starting to feel like Noah. I'm sure we're set for 40 days and 40 nights. I fear that the sun has left us for good, as today I got word someone spotted slop snow on Middle Arm road. Ouch.

Speaking of snow, why in the world is everyone suddenly freaking out about Christmas, already??

I've been swamped with requests for gift ideas like you wouldn't believe, and I've actually even felt kinda rushed because of the obvious closeness of the holiday. Then I stop and realize.... WE'RE STILL TWO MONTHS AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

October 25th, DECEMBER 25th ..... that's TWO MONTHS before Christmas. We've still got Halloween, Remembrance Day, American Thanksgiving-the works! before we get to Christmas.

Yet the dollar store has kicked into high Christmas mode. Sunday School had a meeting last night expressing their plans for the Christmas Program, Operation CHRISTMAS child is due on Sunday (if we have church... don't get me started), and Josh has started his countdown next to his MSN name! This is almost as bad as when he was leaving to go to Edmonton!!

Seems that everyone is freaking out about Christmas, and I'm starting to get the feeling that we're at least in mid to late November, instead of a week from being out of October. We're not close to seeing snow yet, as last year that stuff didn't even show SIGNS of coming until the first of December, and we've still got all of November, Most of December, and a bit of October left!

Calm down people, and start focusing on Halloween first, then Remembrance day, then Christmas.

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  1. Blogger Josh | 12:59 p.m. |  

    Rudy, I was thinking about that last night actually,that's why I took it out of my MSN name- there are TWO months... so... I'll put it back in ONE month, actually 40 days before Christmas it'll be back! :)
    Anyways, we're here- enjoying somewhat an odd warmish, sunny times... enjoy!


  2. Blogger thє quєєи. | 4:33 p.m. |  

    obi wan, i sense a deepening level of stress, reading through your past few blogs. i suggest you get one of those little stress balls that people squeeze, and take out your inner anger on it. ;)

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