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YC 2006

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Yahoo! Photos - rudy.norman's Photos - YC 2006

Of course, for my 100th blog post (YAY!!!) I promised to give the pics and my recap of YC 2006.

Honestly, I thought it was just "alright" this year. I really don't feel like getting into detail about the spiritual analysis of it all, and let everyone say "well that was just you" because perhaps it was, but I'm a strong-hold Camp supporter now, and YC is pretty much just a concert now, trying to get the big name bands and the popular speakers.

Looking at it from that perspective, though, the bands were pretty good, I must say. Desperation Band was the most "worship" focused there I think, which I liked. No one else knew their songs, but since their CD has been blasting in my car for the last number of months, I knew 'em all. :D

Then Tree63 were fairly worship based after the first night, which was (to their credit) a concert. As for Starfield and Newsboys, to me, they were there to put on a show.

Pictures can be found by clicking the link below the picture at the top.

That's all I have to say about it.

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  1. Blogger Spin Original | 1:27 p.m. |  

    Hi Rudy,
    I think that you are at a similar place as me - not up for the fluffy stuff. That is what some bands do, they want to show off and sing instead of glorify God. They tend to be more focussed on getting the youth "into it" than getting the youth "into God". Like the Casting Crown's song, Stained Glass Masqurade, one line says, "Am I the only one who's traded in the altar for a stage?" Sometimes we become to entertainment oreinted intstead of God oriented. Just my opinion. (i could go on, but I am sure you get my point.)

    Anyway, who is with Robin on slide 86? She looks familiar but I totally can't figure out who she is. Just curious!!

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