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Flight 93

Thursday, October 26, 2006

I rented two movies tonight. "Click" starring the infamous Adam Sandler, and "United 93" starring some people I've never heard of.

So far, I've only watched United 93. I'll be watching Click tomorrow.

My question about United 93 is simple: what was the point?

Folks, 9/11 was a tragic day. It was a day when a lot of people died, a day when the most powerful nation in the world proved that it wasn't invincible. But in a tradition that started with Titanic, do we REALLY have to keep making movies bringing attention to the WEAKNESSES of things, rather than the STRENGTHS???

It's bad enough that everyone in the world has suddenly become American, but being reminded of it day after day after day, is a bit too much. They made "Flight 93" telling the exact same story. WHY did they have to make United 93 as well? Personally, I think it was totally unecessary.


  • No one knows for sure what exactly happened on the plane
  • Flight 93 was enough
  • It's not a 'story' where you're waiting to find out what happens at the end.
  • Either way you look at it, the movie is painful to watch. Why would someone put themself through that?
  • Being reminded is not a good reason. Reminders are all around us. How much more attention do you need to bring to a tragedy?
  • I could go on.

Anyways, I just had to vent that stuff. If you read it, thanks. If you didn't, stick around - perhaps Click's review will be better.

Keep Lookin up

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