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My Official Stand on H.I.M

Thursday, June 29, 2006

I did some research on the band H.I.M. and wrote an article on where I stand with it. It's a bit long, but I think worth the read. You can find it by clicking here.

I'll be touching on this with my next RudCast Episode, so keep an eye out for that.

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Bought a Suit

For a while now the thought has been with me that one of these days the time will come when I'm gonna need a suit.  Some things you go to, it's just not that great to wear jeans and a t-shirt.  So today I bought a suit.

Just like my grad tux last year, this suit is all black.  Consists of the coat, shirt pants, and tie.  I didn't get a vest,
because I don't like the vest.  I had a vest last year, and it's just
too many layers for my liking.  The tie is kinda cool, because it has a bit of silver and stuff in it as well.  It's nothing fancy, because I didn't want to go too fancy.  I'm just not a fancy person.

But now if the time arises when I must attend something "formal", then I shall wear my suit.  I just hope I don't have to attend TOO MANY "formal" things, because then I would have to buy more than ONE suit.  So if you're going to ask me to come to something where wearing a suit would be good, please let me know in advance so I don't book anything else around the same time.

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RudCast: Episode 1 - Deception

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Yes, it's finally here. My brand new video PodCast is finally up and running.

Episode 1 is now available on YouTube. To access it, visit the RudCast section of this site.

For those of you who don't know what a podcast is, it's just a regularly released form of media that people can download, watch, or listen to free of charge. I'll be releasing RudCast every 2 weeks, because there's a lot of work that goes into making and editing a video.

Every two weeks I'll be talking about whatever's on my mind. You can watch them as often as you want. As the weeks go on, I'm sure the videos will get bigger and better, since I'm only gettin the hang of this stuff now. My promise though is that they'll all be under 10 minutes, and less than 100MB. YouTube will make sure of that, because that's the limits they put on their uploads.

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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A part of life is that it just goes on. It never stops. No matter how bad it sucks, no matter how
much it hurts, and no matter how big the crisis, life never stops. Sometimes we wish it would. Some more time we pray it would. And then there are some more times we beg God that it would. But it just doesn’t happen. Life will go on without you, but it’ll also go on with you still here. It doesn’t matter what kind of situation YOU’RE in, life still always goes on for someone else.

There are about 6.4 billion people in the world. If Bill Gates gave everyone a dollar, it wouldn’t put a dent in his self-made fortune. That means no matter how rough it gets for you, chances are somewhere in the world, someone is having the best day of their life.

If I go to sleep tonight thanking God the day is over, someone else is probably resting their head on the pillow thinking “why does this day have to end?”

Life goes on.

I can’t stand when I hear someone say they can’t wait to leave this place. Even more so, I despise it when they say “who cares about this place.” Life goes on! Even for people here. Someone has to do everything. I don’t want to pick up road kill for a living, I don’t want to pump gas to put food on the table, and I’d rather keep away from behind the counter at McDonald’s, but someone’s gotta do it. Don’t down someone, even if you don’t know them, because just like you, THEIR life has to go on too.

The Bible actually says to put others before yourself, and if you put your own life going on in priority to other’s, you’re going against what the Word says. Every decision made, affects someone else. Think about what you do, and don’t let how it affects you be the only reason you do something. Analyze the situation. Realize that life goes on.

Just some stuff I learned a little while ago.

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Monday, June 19, 2006

I was just writing in my journal, which is basically a blog about deeper and more personal stuff on paper, and I wrote the following.  I figured I'd share with you the personal writings of Rud. lol
Sometimes I wonder if there's more to life.  Obviously outside of the "God-big-guy-divine-plan" type deal, but sometimes the stuff that goes on inside my head its just way too weird.  I mean more, like the physical side of things.  I just went to the bathroom, and when I walked by the living room nan and pop were in there sitting down.  Few minutes later when I came out of the bathroom, they were sitting in the exact same place, and in the exact same position as they were when I went in the bathroom.  I wondered if that was just an act to fool me, and if they're actually top secret spies with the Canadian military, and they only appear here when I see them.  I bet ya while I was in the bathroom they were on their way to a top secret mission somewhere, but had to hurry back to their spot when they heard me open the door again.  I would go check on them now to make sure they're still there and not on the secret mission, but it's obvious they're gonna be there if I see them, since they don't want to blow their cover.  I used to wonder if I had some big story coming my way or something.  But pretty much all of those possibilities were crushed when I turned 18.  Seems like they tell you everything when you're 18.  That means I didn't inherit a fortune, I don't have any superpowers that I'm now ready to use, and I'm not adopted.  Guess that also means I don't have a long lost sibling.  Or a twin!  Oh the joys of being 18.
There's more, but I'll stop it there.  I think everyone's had thoughts like this some time or another.  Ahhhh..... right?

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Last night, me, Jus, Candace and Heidi watched "Dodgeball."  I was the only one there who hadn't seen it before, but the rest agreed to watch it because "it's funny."

A movie has to be funny in order for me to classify it as "funny."  Folks....

Dodgeball is Funny

I laughed pretty hard.  Some of the parts were hilarious, I must admit.  It's predictable, but has a cool twist at the end as well.  It's sorta like the sports movies you got in the 90's (oh, remember the 90's?... ahhhhhh) like Mighty Ducks, Big Green, etc. where the main team wins every time.  Then into the 2000's they started alternating, so you weren't sure if they were gonna win or not.  Same case as this one, and it brings you up and down a lot.  But the movie isn't about the Sports, it's about the humour, which this one has.  Ben Stiller is a funny guy.  There.  I said it.  But they've also got some great "unknown" actors who are pretty funny as well.

Some sexual inuendo in it, which I didn't really like, but what can you expect?  Ben Stiller is known for some of that anyway.  Also, some curse words which take God's name in vein a couple of times.

But the majority of the humour is clean.  "No one makes me bleed my own blood"... ROTFL!!!  "Dodge a wrench, dodge a ball" hahaha  Hilarious.

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Flash Timeline

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

This Post was Edited for Content

Thom is working on the town website and as part of the updates, he's doing a timeline. Now, Thom has decided to go the image route for this timeline, and the moment I saw it, I exclaimed "THOM, NO! DO IT IN FLASH!!" Thom refused.

So that just proves that Thom doesn't like flash. WHAT KINDA PERSON DOESN'T LIKE FLASH????

Personally, I LOVE flash. It's amazing! Flash is the best thing to come along since PHP and MySql. So the other day I was sitting down at the computer, bored out of my mind. I decided to try my hand at my suggestion to Thom, and do the timeline in flash.

At first, I was going to just use pieces of Thom's image and animate them, but I decided not to. Thus, I started from scratch, and just used the info on Thom's image.

I showed the early stage version of this to Thom, and guess what. He didn't like it. Surprise, surprise. But that doesn't eliminate the fact that I love flash.

So here's the timeline so far. Some of the dates aren't done yet, because Thom isn't finished the other image that brings us up to the present day. After that's released (can you smell the anticipation?) I'll clean it up a bit, add the rest of the stuff, and conclude it with some final features I have in mind.

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My Name Is Rudy, and I have a Message

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Yes, it's true.  I've bought a Message Bible.  More later.

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Long time No Blog

Ok, ok, I admit, it's been a while since I blogged.  No, I don't need to be reminded that I'm almost as getting as bad as Josh.  Yes, it would be appreciated if you didn't compare me to Josh any more.  Thank you.

Life is flyin by like there's no tomorrow.  Haven't been a whole lot out to blog about though.  The quest for summer employment is now under way, and tomorrow night I have an interview in Baie Verte.  *crosses fingers*  I shall let you know about that.

Also tomorrow, I'm off to Grand Falls for an eye appointment.  This is the first time Dr. Black (R.I.P) hasn't tested my eyes since the very first time I had them done, which was in grade 1 or 2.  Ever since then, Black has done it.  I'm actually kinda nervous about the other guy.  I liked Black.  Black worked good for me.  Why fix something if it isn't broke?  Then again, I guess Dr. Black, technically IS broke right now.... hmmmmm.

I've been updating the site a bit lately, especially the Rud's Score section, which I haven't touched since I first made it.  Hopefully that will keep getting updated over due time.  Josh is starting to complain because I don't update my site.  Please don't compare me to Josh.

Also, the stuff for YC is out now.  YeeeHaaaawwww!  I can't believe they managed to get the Newsboys this year.  That's wicked.  Living legends rockin it out in Corner Brook.  Crazy Stuff.

Anyways, I shall go.  I'll try to blog more.  By the way: Happy Birthday to James (June 1) and Joy (June 2) since I haven't blogged in a while, I killed two birds with one stone.. lol

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