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Home Run

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Truth lies not in what you've been told, but what you've experienced. Sometimes, we've yet to experience all that is available for the taking, and thus, have yet to experience full truth.

There comes a time in everyone's life when they look back and wonder could they have done better if they did anything differently. Many believe to answer that question in their own way, and carry on, content, but the time shall come when the question will be answered, and not necessarily in the way the person previously answered it.

This is when they will realize that life threw them a curve. They swung, and missed. The only hope they have, is that it wasn't strike three, bottom of the ninth, two out, and down by one. The only hope they have is that they didn't just lose the game, and let the whole team down. But, while everyone in the stadium was watching that person strike out, there was only one thing going through the mind of the batter: that was "will there be a next time?"

For the batter that doesn't get a next time, they have the rest of their time to think about the what if, and to consider if they could have done anything better. For the person who does get the next at bat, they're now letting another thought go through their mind: of their fate last time, and how they can learn from it. Some step up for the second time and strike out even worse than before. Those people keep getting chances, and decide not to change a thing, and keep striking out. But the true player improves their ability, learns from their mistakes, gets training that will help, and steps up to blast one farther than the eye can see.

The people know the name of the person striking out because of their failure. But the person who overcame adversity, and came out bigger and better, will be known for their accomplishments, their successes, and their good.

So my point: if you strike out, improve your game, come back better, and show the people what a true all-star acts like

Keep Lookin Up

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  1. Blogger thє quєєи. | 6:09 p.m. |  

    told ya to blog it :) and like i said, it makes a lot more sense now that i'm fully awake!

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