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Is it the End?

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Israel goes to war, and everyone starts freaking out. And so they should. If anyone goes to war I think it’s cause for concern, but I especially start taking notice when our friend Isreal start takin' shots. Why? Well, perhaps the fact that all this has been written about a few thousand years ago has something to do with it.

I'm not a professional on Bible prophecy by any means. I don't claim to be a professional, and half of me is saying that I don't want to be a professional. But I know enough to realize that what's going on in Israel isn't a shocker. People who know the Bible have been saying it for years and years. And what blows my mind is that there are still those who refuse to believe it.

There's some verses in Revelation that I could never understand. It talks about after Satan is bound for 1000 years, he's released one more time for one more round of temptation, and even THEN there are going to be those who don't believe. I always read that and thought "man, how can that be? After everything that's going to have happened up to that point, people STILL won't believe?" But after the goings on of today, I'm starting to see how that's possible.

I find it amazing how some people can read any book besides the Bible, and have no problem believing what's written on the page, but when the truth of the Bible starts playing out around us, they STILL think it's a bunch of lies. It's at the point now, I think where some people just don't want to believe. I don't know what it's like that, and just because I think they're all a bunch of idiots doesn't change the fact.

But with what's going on the Middle East, one has to ask themselves, "is it the end?" I mean, is this really the last few moments before the Lord comes back? Let me show you a verse in the book of Zechariah. Now, there's something you must know before we go on here. The book of Zechariah was written a nice while ago. How long ago? Chapters 1-8 were written approximately 520-518 BC. Chaptes 9-14 were written around 480 BC. The verse we're gonna look at is found in Chapter 12, so we're talking about something that was written a long, long time before Jesus Christ even showed up on the earth. The verses, though, say this: "
I will make Jerusalem and Judah like an intoxicating drink to all the nearby nations that send their armies to besiege Jerusalem. On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone, a burden for the world.
None of the nations who try to lift it will escape unscathed." The Bible says that nations will rise up against Israel. If you follow World News at all, you'll know that the nations of the world are not too fond of Israel right now. Even Canada's people are against our PM for taking a stand behind Israel.

All of this, though, must happen not before the rapture, but before the Glorious Appearing. The Rapture happens at least 7 years before the Glorious Appearing, and already we're seeing signs of the things that must happen.

I personally think that Jesus has His hand on the doorknob ready to open it, Gabriel is inhailing waiting to blow that trumpet, the cloud is on stand by and the mount of olives is bracing itself for the greatest entrance and exit the world has ever seen, when it witnesses the entry of Jesus Christ, and the exit of all those who have chosen to follow him up to that point. I can't wait. Now where's that Good Ole Gospel Ship?

Keep Lookin Up

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