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O Canada

Friday, August 04, 2006

Many, many moons ago, a song was written. The original lyrics written in French by a guy named Sir Adolphe Basile Routhier, it was later translated to English in 1906, slightly modified, and finally on July 1st, 1960, fittingly so, “O Canada” became the official national anthem of this great nation we call home.

Ever since then, the song has been rung out all across the world. At the Olympic events all over this planet, the Flag has been raised, and the horns would start to play that great, great song. Forever it will represent Canada!

Tonight while watching the news, our national anthem occurred to me. I’m not sure exactly why it came to me, but it came to me. “O Canada”, I thought, as I watched the stories being covered. Mostly about the Canadian Soldiers being killed in Afghanistan. The many, many lives lost, if only just recently, not counting how many have been killed since we’ve been there. And all I can think about is “O Canada.”

That’s really a great song, you know, once you look at it. When you break down the lines and see what they each mean, you’ll realize that there’s a lot of truth in that song.

O Canada! Our home and native land!

This place is our home. It’s where we live. It’s the place where we feel most comfortable. I’ve yet to find the person that doesn’t like home. Even if it’s not necessarily the place they grew up, the place their parents now live, or anything like that. Even if it’s just their home, everyone loves home. Canada is our home.

True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!

Not only is it our home, but we’re proud Canada is our home. I was told by a guy who visited some overseas countries that everywhere he went, he saw people with Canadian flags. The odd part, is that most of them weren’t even from Canada. Seems like everyone likes Canada. Not only are we proud it’s our home, but we have many who wish it was theirs too.

From far and wide, O Canada,
We stand on guard for thee.

When thinking about those soldiers, that’s the first lines that stuck out to me. We proclaim that we’ll stand on guard for this nation and everything it stands for. Those soldiers are taking it literally. They’ve proclaimed that no matter where it is, they will stand on guard for Canada. I commend them for willing to pay the price.

God keep our land glorious and free!

This line has caused great controversy in today’s politically correct society. But we can only hope it shall remain as a proclamation to the creator of the universe who looks down on us and sees the turmoil that some of us face, and listens to those who complain about “where’s God?” while answering “I’m right here, now please, let me help you.” Oh we can only hope, that God will keep our land.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!

And finally, one last promise to stand up for Canada. This is why I will defend Canada until the day I die. When people criticize our government, I will remind them to respect authority and accept compromise. When our government makes a decision outside what the foundations of this country were built on, I will make my voice be heard. I will stand up for Canada.

This nation has stood the test of time. Many lives have been lost over the years, and many have died in honour. Many have died, with the words on their heart: O Canada.

Keep Lookin Up

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