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Stupid Parking Meters!

Friday, September 29, 2006

First off, I notice Josh or Charlotte haven't blogged since I accused them of blogging useless stuff to get their post count up. Or at least I know Charlotte didn't. Josh posted a video they made that took 2 minutes for me to load on dial-up, so that goes to show how long it was. lol Don't sweat it guys, I'm just givin ya a hard time.

Anyways, I was in Corner Brook today, was parked down on broadway (a fine showmanship of parallel parking if I do say so myself) and turns out while we were in the store, the metre ran out, and .... yep, you guessed it... PARKING TICKET!!!

No big deal, really. Only 10 bucks. Plus, I was actually talking to the guy who gave me the ticket. Real great fellow. Or at least he seemed to be.

But the part that really got me, was when I went in the store to let Joy know I had a parking ticket, the manager of the store was there, and get this - HE WAS APPAULED!

He thought it was "horrible" that we got a parking ticket while in their store shopping. The reason, I think, was because it was THEIR fault we were in there so long. Anyways, buddy wouldn't let me pay for the ticket! haha I tried to insist, telling him it wasn't a big deal, but he was even more persistant, saying THEY would take care of it. Well God bless him. Thanks to the manager of National Shoe Store on Broadway in Corner Brook. Go check em out, by the way. Might as well try to get some business their way since they payed my ticket.

On a closing note, I watched "Inside Man" last night. My review: Don't watch it.

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NEW Favourite Secular Song

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

That’s right, I’ve officially declared a BRAND NEW “Favourite Secular Song”. This song is currently replacing “Bad Day” by Daniel Powter.

So without any further ado… the winner isssssssssss………………….


That’s right I said it. Rex has a brand new song which is set to be released on his new album in December, and the song is called “Save my Life”. I’ve heard it a few times now, and folks, WOW.

The reason I like this song, is because it speaks out about something that I really can’t stand: EVERYONE GOIN TO ALBERTA!! Rex co-wrote the song and it’s written from the would-be perspective of a Newfie in Alberta who wants one thing: to go home.

Man, this is right up my alley. I love it! It says what everyone who thinks like me and Rex wants to say! Rex Goudie: voice of the common Newfie.

Unfortunately, legal issues prevent me from posting the audio or video of the song. But I do want to share the lyrics with you, with the disclaimer that these could change before the CD comes out. Rex wants it to be known that this is a work in progress. But here are the lyrics, as good as I can figure out:

Save My Life
Rex Goudie

Why don’t we go
Back to the home we left behind
Baby I miss the way it used to be
This room’s getting covered in dust
And I don’t seem to mind
I’m tired and I just don’t wanna clean

But at least I’m tryin
To make it better for you and me

Cause Everybody here is workin overtime
Wheels keep turning, keep pushin the line
The pressure’s on me
To Save my Life
I’m goin back to where the waters meet the rocky shore
I’m man enough to say I can’t take anymore
I can’t wait to leave
To Save my Life

(Everyday) I see
(faceless) strangers passin me by
They smile but they just don’t say a thing
Where I come from
People wave without even havin to try
Let’s just wait and see what tomorrow brings

But at least I’m tryin
To make it better for you and me

Cause Everybody here is workin overtime
Wheels keep turning, keep pushin the line
The pressure’s on me
To Save my Life
I’m goin back to where the waters meet the rocky shore
I’m man enough to say I can’t take anymore
I can’t wait to leave
To Save my Life

Working 16 hours, seven days a week
Just (burnin) my soul
To keep food on the table
And shoes on the feet
I can’t wait to go home

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Way Behind

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Josh and Charlotte are over 100 posts, and I've yet to reach 95! It's kinda sad, considering they both stole blogging from me, and they managed to pull out and past me on the post number. Although in my defence, they've opted to blog just about anything, even if it's meaningless.

For instance, I don't think Charlotte should be as high as she is, considering all of the song lyrics she posted that had no relevance at all except it was the song going through her head at the time, or playing on her Windows Media Player. If I had to do that then I'd be up to post 2000 now. I've constantly got my playlist of about 400 songs going, and if all the lyrics that I liked had to be on here, then this would be worst than.... well... Charlottes blog. lol

And then Josh got desperate in the last days before leaving Edmonton to get to 100 before his departure, so he was blogging about just about anything as well. We were pretty close before that.

Readers of my blog (I use the plural in faith) have the blessing of finding original posts, and not just useless babbling. THAT my friend, is quality.

* * *

I've decided that I need a vacation. I mean a REAL vacation. As in take a couple weeks off and have a change of scenery for that time. I'm not going to say where I'm headed because it's a secret. (Josh don't tell, since I spilled it to you before I decided to make it a secret)

I chose the location, however, because there are some things there that I've always wanted to see. I've come to the conclusion that it's a big world out there, and it's time I get out and see some of it! I'm going somewhere I've never been, and I intend to do some things I've never done. Should be a lot of fun.

Tentative date for Vacation: October 16th

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Wasting the Day

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I've decided that this is going to just be a "wasted day." I'm going to do NOTHING. That's right. Not a thing will be done today. Tis great. I mean, here it is, almost 10 to 3 in the afternoon, and all I've done thus far is watch my House, MD. DVD's. I don't do this intentionally that often, but I think it's a good thing to do. You should try it. Take a day that you're just going to waste, and call it your "Nothing Day." I wish you luck.

Even though today is the nothing day, tonight is going to be different. Got a meeting with the Share Foundation tonight. Looking forward to what's going to come out of it. We'll probably just talk about the concert on Monday night. To which I have an ALL ACCESS PASS. My first Rex Goudie Concert. lol

Went to Grand Falls on Monday, and came back with a nice load. Bought Rex's book, which has some mistakes in it, I might add (I'll post a review and the mistakes later) as well as the HOUSE, MD. Season 2 DVD's.

Also, I've finally got my contacts, which are proving to be a challenge, but I hope I'll get used to em.

And on a final note... I'VE GOT A JOB!! Actually, I'm still working on a placement, but if that works out, I'll be starting Monday. If it doesn't work out, I'll have to look for another place. But oh well. Still a job.

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Author: Rudy » Comments:


Saturday, September 16, 2006

Just found an amazing video courtesy of YouTube. Click the Link below to watch it.


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Author: Rudy » Comments:


Yahoo! Photos is one of the greatest services I've ever seen! Unlimited - that's right, UNLIMITED - amount of photos and space. You can upload as many photos, as you want, and have them as big as you want! That's amazing. I love Yahoo now. lol

Because of this, I'm using this fine service with my new Sony DSC-H2. My albums are at http://photos.yahoo.com/rudy.norman and so far I've got a good many albums. I've grown rather fond of photography lately. Mainly stuff I find interesting. I like challenges, and the thought of "I wonder can I get a picture of that?"

Now, rest assured that the pictures in my albums are compressed and downsized. The reason? Because I don't want people stealing the photos and printing them off. This way, they're not big enough to do anything "big" with, other than look at 'em. So check out my photo album. I update whenever I get new pics of something. Also, there's a permalink in the navigation.

Keep Lookin Up

Author: Rudy » Comments:


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The guys in Grand Falls finally got my contacts done. EVER SINCE JUNE MONTH!! Apparently, I'm a very special perscription. Don't I feel special :D Anyway, I'll be picking them up on Monday. Anticipation building.

Keep Lookin Up

Author: Rudy » Comments:

Random Catch Up

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ok, so I haven't really blogged a "full" blog in a while. To be honest, I kinda lost the motivation to blog over the last little while. Even though there's been plenty to blog about. Thus, this post will be rather random about whatever pops in my mind that's happened the last while. Hang tight, this is gonna be a long one.

New Look for the site

I've lost count on how many times this has been that RudsPlace.net has been made over. Sad, I know, but since I've changed to my current update method, I've yet to find a cross browser look that I like. The last two looks either didn't work with FireFox or Internet Explorer for some reason. Thus, this is another attempt. Hopefully this one will stick with me until the end. (fingers crossed).


Glenn Newman said something on the opening night of YB2 that rang true the whole week. He said, "I'm here to mess you up." Man, you couldn't be more right with that one.

For me, that's exactly what camp was - a week that messed me up. Every moment of the week it was like God was shaking me to my senses, and opening my eyes for so many things that I didn't realize before. Just about the whole way through every sermon and teaching session I found myself saying stuff like "I've never looked at it that way before..." or "wow, I've never thought of that..." I couldn't write things down fast enough, because before I got one revolutionary point written down, something else would pop out at me, and there I was trying to remember everything just long enough to get it on paper. So much information, so little ink.

Monday night, Pastor Glenn talked to us about the REAL message of Jesus. I just cosumed this message as much as I could, because to get to camp, not really knowing what to expect, and be thrown into a semon like this on the first night is a big thing. After his message, where He talked about a Jesus who OUT Accepts, OUT Loves, and OUT Forgives, it caused me to analyze myself, and ask myself if I was really trying to be like Jesus. Night one of growth.

In the morning sessions, Pastor Brad Noel brought some amazing teaching that will not soon be forgotten. Tuesday morning he talked about worldviews, and how we all have them. God has blessed this guy with a whole lot more knowledge than I have, and I think it's safe to assume, unless God works a miracle, than I'll ever have. But in my experience, many "smart" people can only have conversations with OTHER "smart" people. Not Pastor Brad. Along with knowledge, God has blessed this guy with the gift of great communication skills.

Tuesday night we heard about the great role model John the Baptist in "The Headless Witness", and learned about not being bitter even when God doesn't answer our prayers. Wednesday morning Pastor Brad continues the "Journey into Truth" teaching the truths about Homosexuality, and reflecting on Pastor Glenn's words about how we must love EVERYONE - even Homosexuals. Wednesday night Pastor Glenn delivered a sermon like only Pastor Glenn can deliver it on Sexual Standards. We laughed, some probably cried, most were heard gasping every now and then, and I'd say all (at one point or another) fell very silent at some of the harsh but very true realizations that were said. We were told very plainly - "Lights on, clothes on, sitting up right!" and yes, we even found out that "men can't handle boobies." At the end a committment was made by just about everyone there, to maintain high standards when it comes to the opposite sex.

Thursday Morning Pastor Brad dealt with more "today issues" like Abortion, Social Drinking, Gambling and Dating. (Even after Pastor Glenn's sermon the night before.) Personally, he answered a lot of questions that have been lingering in the back of my mind for a while during the three morning sessions that he did. Pastor Brad is a great man of God to say the least, and I very much enjoyed what he had to say.

Thursday night was follow up on Tuesday, with more teaching/preaching (I assume there's a difference) on Prayer. I say it was a follow up, because Tuesday night after the sermon, a couple of us went back to our room and reflected on some of the stuff we'd just heard. We started asking questions that none of us seemed to have a definite answer for. It was beginning to look like that sermon just confused us more than helped us, but Thursday night, Pastor Glenn answered some of those specific questions that we asked each other in private, just two nights before. That's what proved to me that what this guy was saying up there was not from him - God was giving him instructions straight from the throne room.

And finally, the last service of an amazing week happened on Friday night. In my experience from other retreats and stuff, and from what people have told me about camp, Friday night is always considered the “big” night. It’s the night when the floodgates usually break open, and people remember camp based on that ONE night. It’s supposed to be the final blessing of the Holy Spirit you get before you go home. This year? Not gonna happen.

As Pastor Glenn said, unless we took what we learned this week at YB, and applied it when we left, then we just had a full week of a “funky feeling.” The last night Pastor Glenn challenged us to support the leadership of our youth groups. He gave a call for all youth pastors who were there to come to the front, and had their youth groups gather around them and pray. This was possibly one of the most moving things I’ve ever seen. Pastor Glenn told us if our youth pastor or leader wasn’t there that week, then to choose the youth pastor closest to our community. As we went and prayed with one of the youth pastors I could feel the weight of this guy’s burden. I knew then some of what it means to be a person in his position. God showed me his heart, and I found myself crying out to the Lord to be with him, to strengthen him, and to guide him. After I thought about it afterward, I realized that I was passionate about his youth ministry growing, and I didn’t know anything about it. All I knew is that God was about to do something great not only in the life of the youth pastor we prayed for, but in the lives of the people of this province.

Besides the amazing speaking and teaching (again – if there’s a difference) we were blessed beyond anything to be led in worship every morning and night by Matt Howlett and a worship band consisting of people from across the province. I can’t get into everything, but the band were passionate about worship, and passionate to lead people into worship. Their amazing talents were used for the glory of God, and that’s what matters most.

And finally, I’ve gotta give props to the awesome recreation of the week. Pastor Matt and Kayla Joy did an awesome job bringing everything together thanks to the help of a few more people, and the spirit of healthy competition was evident throughout the whole week.

Looking back, it's hard to believe that this was my very first year at a Youth Breakaway event. I've been to all but one YC, and everyone I talked to that's been to both kept saying "Rudy, YC is great, but camp is amazing." Well, they all didn't say those exact words, but you get the picture. But the point, is that what all of them said was right: camp is a growing experience unlike anything I've ever experienced. Just like YC, to some, it gets the wrong impressions, but when I got there on Monday and met some of the people who were at YB for the "fun" of it, I talked to them on Saturday, and you could tell that they had experienced something that week that made them realize that Camp goes much, much deeper than just a week to get away.

Labour Day

For Labour Day we went to Corner Brook for a relaxing weekend at the Comfort Inn. Sunday morning we attended Corner Brook West Church, and Sunday night we went to an open air held by Corner Brook East. Both services went great. Had wireless High Speed internet all weekend too, so that just added to the enjoyment.

High School Musical

This is probably the cheesiest movie you'll ever find. But I love it. It's a great movie! I'm not sure if I've blogged about this before, but even though the lip syncing is terrible, and it's very predictable and corney, I have to admit that this at least on my top 20 list of Favorite Movies. I bought the DVD while in Corner Brook this past weekend. Sad? Maybe. But it's a good movie!

House Season Premiere

Season Three of HOUSE, MD. Premiered last night. Everyone know how big of a HOUSE addict I am, so needless to say I've very, very excited. Shaping up to be a great season, and I think we're going to get a lot of surprises this year. Last night, my mouth was open in shock, and my arms were in the air with excitement. It's unpreditable. Just thinking about it now gets me excited!! I couldn't find the season two DVD at Wal Mart but I'm looking again tomorrow. They were sold out, but buddy said they'd be in again Tuesday. That was Yesterday. I want it!!

Canadian Idol

Craig Sharpe made it a lot farther than he should have. That's all I'm going to say. My guess is we're getting a repeat of last year, but no one there can be as big as Rex and Melissa were last year. Craig won't get a record deal from Sony/BMG too if he comes in second. Eva won't go Platinum. Chad should have won it, but a lot of things would be better if I ran them.

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