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Note to Satan

Friday, March 31, 2006

This is just in case Satan reads my blog, which I hope he does. I think we should talk to Satan every now and then, and give him a piece of our minds. It’s good for the system to get some stuff out.

Ok, Satan, if you wanna fight, let’s fight. We know you’re scared, and we know you’re tryin everything possible to get at us, but it ain’t gonna work. On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, and on this Rock He will build His church, and YOU, Satan, YOU shall not prevail. You’re grabbin at thin air, and one of these days you’re gonna get the blow of a lifetime. We SHALL overcome all obstacles in our way, and we WILL have the victory. YOU WILL NOT WIN!! “Oh can you hear it? It’s the song of the redeemed. The pursuit of passion, for the one who set us free. Oh can you hear it, we’re cryin out for more. And listen to our song it’s turning, into a Holy Roar!” So take that, Devil!

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Discovery Walk #2

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Since I have a meeting tonight, I decided to take my discovery walk a bit earlier than yesterday, and what the plan says for the future. No big deal what time I take it, really, today is a gorgeous day all around, so makes no difference.

I ventured up the road again. This time I started my mini disc player at a random track. It happened to be a song by Chris Tomlin, called ‘Take my Life’ The song is written as a prayer-a humble prayer-to God, offering yourself to be used by Him. I believe this should be the cry of everyone, and I sang to myself with Chris, and sang those words to God, Lord take my life.

I finally met up with some people a bit farther up the road. Neither of the people I saw were saved, and I didn’t see much of a witnessing opportunity at the time, but on my return trip I recalled what Pastor Rowe got us to do last night in prayer meeting, by praying for every single house in Burlington, with it all divided up in 6 sections, and us divided in 6 groups. Those people got prayed for last night. They may be consider “unreachable” by our standards, but nothing is impossible for God. Nothing!

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Discovery Walk #1

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I've decided to take some "Discovery Walks", to help find myself. Not too sure how few and far between these walks will be, but I do plan on blogging about the majority of them.

I started the Discovery Walk and ventured up the road. While listening to my Mini Disk player, I figured it was best to start at track 1. This happened to be the great song from Hillsong United, "Salvation is Here." Never before has the words from this song come so alive. I started to think about everything. Church, and the amazing time we've been having lately. Rocky Harbour, and what's going to come out of that, and finally Youth Service on Friday night, and I wondered will the great move of the Holy Spirit carry on for us as well? Is Salvation finally here? I hope and pray it is.

I got as far as the intersection, and crossed the bridge on the other side of the harbour. I took the headphones off for a second, and listened to the roar of the brook. Wow. Sure, it's loud, but it speaks volume. It speaks magnitude. It speaks depth. It speaks things I can't even put in words. I marvel at creation and the things around me that I take for granted every day. I hope to Discover more of them in the walks to come.

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I have to talk about about American Idol, and how AMAZING it was to see Mandisa stand up and do what she did. If you didn't watch it, Mandisa, a Born Again Christian, came out on stage and told everyone that despite their addictions, their lifestyle, and everything they're going through, GOD is bigger. Then she sang a song by the Christian group Mary, Mary, and worshiped the whole way through. Ladies and gentlemen, this gives me hope for the world.

I really didn't like the judge's comments last night. The way I see it, if Chris is a rocker, they're not going to object him singing rock songs. Kelly and Bucky are Country, and if they sing something with more twang than Larry the Cable Guy, they stand up and applaud them for "sticking to who they are". But if a born again Christian gets up there and sings a song based on who THEY are, then "it's not for them." I say Bravo Mandisa, and if you go out tonight, at least you'll go out in style!

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Char's Creation

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Figured this was Blog Worthy. Charlotte just showed me this picture she created. I thought it was pretty cool

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God is Moving

Sunday, March 26, 2006

“Holy Spirit, touch your people, teach us the ways of God, and as we live, and Jesus did, you be honoured and lifted up. There’s a stirring in the Spirit, there’s an urgency in this hour. We as children must obey, but can you hear the footsteps of God? Cause God is Moving. GOD IS MOVING! CAN YOU HEAR THE SOUND OF THE REVIVAL?!”

It’s coming. Revival I believe is on it’s way, and some of it is already here, but it’s nothing like we’re going to see. God moved in a huge way today, and I believe it’s only the beginning of the things to come. I’m way too tired to write anything else.

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Text and personal thoughts and views coming soon

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10 Secrets

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Ok, so the following are 10 Secrets, or things that very few people know about me. I trust that after this none of you will think any less of me, nor will you hold any of the following against me.

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Number 01:

When I was in the first or second grade I was in the principal’s office for bein out of my seat when the bell rang, but I blame it on Amie Young cause she told me the bell hadn’t rung yet. Debbie Pelley brought me, Ashley Saunders, Jeff Manuel, Pat Saunders and Frisco Thomas out in the principal’s office. As soon as we walked in, she told Jeff and Ashley they could leave, and after waiting a moment, she told me I could leave, but to watch myself from now on. She kept Frisco and Pat there, and to this day I wonder what fate they suffered. I didn’t tell my family this until about a month before my High School graduation, and they were surprised I was able to keep it from them this long.

Number 02:

When I was an age I can’t recall, but pretty young, I was at Shopper’s Drug Mart, and looking at the cards (which I still do to this day) and some how managed to rip one of the cards which had a picture of a dinosaur or a dragon or something on it. I didn’t tell anyone, but simply put it on the back where no one would see it, and walked away, scared to death I’d get in trouble.

Number 03:

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been secretly addicted to listening to the Gaither songs, which consist of most of the tunes we sing in Church, but not as cool. It’s mostly old people singing, but I actually like it a bit.

Number 04:

I check my e-mail more than 5 times a day, (usually) even if I’m not expecting something, and get a little excited when I have a new message

Number 05:

Out of the 136 contacts currently one my MSN list, there’s about 20 people I’ve either never talked to, or have been limited to 2 or less conversations, and a handful more who I haven’t talked to on there for at least 6 months.

Number 06:

I struggle at doing simple math calculations in my head. Something as simple as 13+14, would take me about 5-7 seconds to figure out. I’d go 10+10 is 20, 4+3 is 7, 10+10 is 20, ok, so 20, plus 4 is 24, plus 3, so that’s 25, 26, 27! 13+14 is 27! Notice it was pointless for me to do the 4+3, but I still did it anyway

Number 07:

There’s a lot of cool stuff in Wal-Mart, and I like shopping there.

Number 08:

There are people who live in Burlington that I don’t know. People come up and talk with me, and they assume I know their name, basic family history, and so on, but in reality I haven’t got a clue who this person is. Also, many of the people I DO know, I have no idea who their family is, and living in Small Town NL, that kinda stuff is common knowledge.

Number 09:

I have aunts, uncles, and first cousins who I wouldn’t know if I saw them on a street or something. Most of them, I have no idea of their name, or how old they are. I got a cousin on MSN a couple of weeks ago, and I had to ask him what grade he was in.

Number 10:

I start 30 or more games of solitaire every day, and finish less than half of them

Author: Rudy » Comments:

"Walk the Line" aka, "'Ray' with White People"

Monday, March 20, 2006

Well, blog, I have forsaken you for a while now, and for that I apologize.  Basically I just have very, very little to talk about, and it’s hard to talk about something when you have nothing to talk about.  But, after a stern talking to from Charlotte, and a reminder that Jash is now even doing better at blogging than I am, I figured I had to come up with something to say.

Tonight I cracked and went to rent ‘Walk the Line’.  Like the title says, AKA, ‘Ray’ with white people.  (Not my joke).

For me, this movie had it’s moments, and a few times I had the feeling “this is a pretty good movie”, but some more times it was just, “what?”  Basically this thing accomplishes NOTHING, except tell the very hard and confusing story that is Johnny Cash.  But, even if that’s what the purpose of the movie was, no one can tell the story of Johnny Cash like Johnny Cash, so DON’T TRY TO MAKE A MOVIE BASED ON A BOOK WRITTEN BY A GUY IT’S WRITTEN ABOUT!!!!

Although, I must say, Reese Witherspoon is amazing in this thing.  She made ME want to marry June Carter Cash.  Or maybe she made me wanna marry Reese Witherspoon……. Hmmm… I’ll have to check into that.

Either way, I give this movie a 6.5 out of 10.

That’s about it.

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The Gideons

Sunday, March 12, 2006

I’m now blogging because I’m bored.  I don’t have a whole lot to say, but at least this will fill some time.

I just got home from church.  Actually, I didn’t JUST get home from church, so I should re-word that, so it doesn’t sound like I’m lying….

I got home from church a little while ago.  I must say it was a pretty good service.  The Gideons were responsible for the service.  Let me just say that even though these people might get a bad wrap from some of the younger crowd, I really think they do a great work.  Over a billion Bible distributed all over the word-wow!

I say this, despite the fact that they sang way too many hymns for my liking, and two of the hymns I didn’t even know.  I ask you, how can you play something you don’t know? YOU CAN’T!

Anyway, I should go and prepare myself for the 8am rise tomorrow morning, as I’m headed back to Grand Falls to bring back my mouse and flash drive which aren’t operating properly.

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More Seal Hunt

Friday, March 10, 2006

Well, Danny Williams has done it. You can save the world from total destruction, you can find a cure for cancer, or you can be the most well liked guy on the planet, but until you appear on Yahoo!’s Top 10 searches of the week, you haven’t made it in this world. That, my friends, is something Danny Williams has done.

Now, I’ve already spoke out against the actions of Paul and Heather McCartney, but I would on the other hand, like to share this photo which no doubt will be appearing on the McCartney’s next Christmas Card. To me, this photo proves that the only reason these two are at this is the publicity. I share this disturbing picture only as a reminder how messed up the world is. But, please, let me make it known, that the seal pictured in this photo cannot be legally killed, thus, there’s nothing to worry about.

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New PC and Seals

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Well today I ventured to Grand Falls and picked up my new PC. If you actually know anything about computers you can drool over the following specs, but if you couldn’t care less, just keep going pas the list.
• 3.0 Ghz Processor
• 140GB Hard Drive
• 1 GB Ram
• 16x Dual Layer +/- DVD-RW
• 17” LCD Monitor
• Futuristic looking tower case

Last night Danny Williams appeared on Larry King Live to debate the seal hunt with British superstar and former Beatle Paul McCartney, and his undoubtedly much younger and not first wife, Heather. If you want to read a transcript of the show, you can do so Here. I e-mailed Premier Williams after the show last night and told him I was very proud of the excellent job he did trying to set the record straight. Overall it was a great show. It had me laughing: when Paul thought he was in Newfoundland, cheering: when Danny brought up the chickens, beef, etc and angry: when that British accent kept cutting in and acting like she was too good to let the politician speak.

Overall, Paul and Heather were reaching out and grabbing at nothing but thin air, because Heather didn't wanna admit she's a sucker for the cute little face of a baby white coat, and Paul didn't wanna let the cat outta the bag that the only reason he was there was because he doesn't find the couch very comfortable as a result of not standin by his misses.

That's my thoughts on it.

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