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Taylor Wins

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I'm devastated. First, I've just found out that it's supposed to rain tomorrow. Then I realized that the last two hours of my life just aren't coming back, no matter how hard I try.

Actually, it was only a hour and fourty-five minutes. Guess the good Lord spared me some turmoil in allowing me to miss the first 15 minutes of the atrosity that is American Idol.

Without making this post too long, I'll tell you the worst moments of the show:


You know what? It's not possible to tell you the worst parts without making this post long! Just rest assured that the show sucked, and was just as cheesey as ever.

Some comments in no particular order:

Clay Aiken has a new look-I seriously didn't know who it was.

Is Prince gay? Just a question, cause the guy was wearing high heels.

Was Toni Braxton really singing? Because I couldn't hear her.

Taylor didn't look too excited about winning. Actually, he looked like he knew. In fact, they ALL looked like they knew. It was the worst finale results-delivering so far.

I really need to work on getting that hour 45 minutes back.

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

American Idol Finale

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Well, tonight American Idol will beofficially over for yet another season. I just wanna know who's prayerdid it!

Let's be honest here. The whole American Idol thing is just REALLYgetting too old! In 5 seasons, they've made way too many people part of a growing stereotype, and possibly ruined their lives forever.

Everyone knows that the only one who ever got anywhere with it was Kelly Clarkson, and the only reason she succeeded is because she realized that American Idol would ruin her career so she jumped out on her own, signed with another label, and now she’s a Grammy winning, international superstar.

But look at the rest of the people: Reuben and Clay were around for a while, but since they both started admitting they were Christians and wanted to focus a bit of their talent on that (Reuben made a Christian CD and Clay wrote a Christian book) their record labels dropped them, and now they’re serving gas for 6 bucks a hour. Reuben is finally trying to come back, and planning on making another secular CD to get his career going again, but I really think the damage has been done.

Season three saw Fantasia and Diana. Personally, I liked Diana a lot better than Fantasia, but that’s beside the point. Either way, I haven’t seen either of them since the finale! Fantasia already had a kid when she tried out for American Idol, and personally I don’t think someone with such a big commitment should be touring all over the country regardless. Which is why Diana should have won it. But since she came in second, sadly, she’ll probably end up posing for Playboy or something in a couple years, trying to revive her dying career.

Then last year we had Carrie and Bo. I’ve seen them around a couple of times, but their careers definitely haven’t skyrocketed. Bo is married with a kid now, so his career is put on hold to spend some time with the family before it even begins! Then Carrie is on the country scene, so I wouldn’t know who she is anyway.

Which leads us up to this season.
Last night was possibly one of the worst finale’s I’ve ever seen for an Idol show. Right off the bat, let me make my confession: I haven’t really followed this season of American Idol since Mandisa got booted. I found out who was still in, probably every couple of weeks or so, but haven’t sat down and actually watched a show since the Mandisa days. I figured I would at least catch the last two shows, since those are the biggest and the brightest of them all. Are you kidding me?

This Katherine McPhee person (by the way, wasn’t there a movie called Nanny McPhee?) and Taylor Hicks are the last two left. So let me go back over the show, and offer my two cents.

Click Here to read my commentary of the final perfomance show

Author: Rudy » Comments:


Sunday, May 21, 2006

The following items are currently lost, and believed to be in my room somewhere:

-Hillsong United: United We Stand CD/DVD
-Outer Cardboard case for HOUSE: Season 1 DVD
-Toenail clipper (I know I saw one here somewhere!)
-Remote Control
-Several DVD's
-Various Software CD's
-Titanic Model not yet put together

Moral of the story?  I need to clean my room!  This list will be updated in the future.

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

The Squirrel

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I was going to blog about this yesteday, but something came up and I didn't get the chance.  I want to tell you the story of the squirrel.

I had supper at Aunt Holly's yesterday, and left her house again around 6:00pm.  When I got outdoors, I could hear something over by the garbage box.  It sounded like something was tryin to get out, so I stopped, and I knew right away what it was.  See, there's this squirrel that's been around lately.  He shows up every now and then, looks for a bit of food, and then takes off.  I saw him about a week ago, and I made the vow then "if he ever comes back, I'm gonna have some target practice!"

So I walked slowly over to the garbage box, looked around, but I couldn't find what was making the noise.  So I thought then that it might have been my imagination, so I left again.  By this time Uncle George had showed up, and asked what I was up to.  I explained that I thought I heard the squirrel that's been around here for a while, but I couldn't seem to find him.  I continued my journey home, but before I got to the steps, George said "Rudy, there he is!"  I looked, and sure enough, Mr. Squirrel was sitting on the garbage box.  I reached down, and grabbed a rock.  With George giving the play by play of the squirrel, I tried to find my best shot.  The poor little feller stayed there the whole time in one spot.

Attack him from behind.  That's the best plan.  So I walked up, and got myself in line.  The squirrel had his back to me, so this was going to be perfect.  I aimed, and threw.  I hit the garbage box just a centimetre to the left of him, so just enough to scare him away.

George joined the hunt at this point, and we were both determined.  The squirrel hid back in the garbage box, so we walked over and took off the lid.  He jumped out, flying past us, and onto the fence.

Running along the fence, me and George were in hot pursuit.  Along the way George found a broom, and collected more deadly rocks.  Only problem was George isn't Harry Potter, and the Squirrel isn't Voldemort, and I'm not David, and the squirrel is far from Goliath.

Running up the driveway, our furry friend walked up the steps of our house, and George and I was right behind him.  George started pounding with the broom, but the little guy was too quick.  I never got another good shot yet, so I was mainly coach.  I rejected the David strategy, and became a Ron for Harry, as I grabbed another broom of my own.

The squirrel got away, and ran under the bridge.  We thought he was gone.  But wait.  Hear that?  He's still there!!

By this time we were drawing an audience, as the neighbors were now in their door, watching.  "Get the gun!"  they said.  But no, we prefer to do it as our forfathers did it.  Good old fashioned inginuity.

Hitting the bridge, we tried to force him out.  Finally, we say the eyes.  He was planning a sneak escape.  We'd have to chase him on foot.  We're ready.

The squirrel waits for the right time, and finally, like a streak comes running.  Out to the car, under the car, out of reach.  Our brooms go flying, and hitting the ground he was on just mila-seconds before.  Up on the bridge again, and down the driveway.  We chase on foot, but he outruns us.  I throw two more rocks, but hitting a moving target isn't as easy as it looks.

The squirrel gets away.  But he'll be back.  And we'll fight another day.

Keep Lookin up

Author: Rudy » Comments:

Gregory House, MD

I have completed the entire first season of House, MD which I purchased at Wal-Mart on DVD.  It's a total of 24 shows, each 40-45 minutes long, since there are no commercials, thus totaling approx. 16 hours.  Not to mention some fairly cool Special Features including the set tour, and some behind the scenes stuff.  After watching the set tour, you literally watch the shows differently.  It finally turns into a "show".  Before, House seemed more of a reality.  I mean, there for a while I didn't worry about getting seriously sick, because I knew last chance I'd go to House's hospital and get him to find out what's wrong.  But Hugh Laurie just isn't that smart, now is he.

I don't think I had a "favorite" episode.  I'll have to think about that one.  The ones with the new chaiman of the board was really good, but I won't spoil anything.  I sat down at times and watched three or four episodes at once.  It took me 6 nights in total to get through them all.  Three DVD's, but all double sided, so really it's six DVD's. 

Was it worth the 55 bucks?  You better believe it.  I'm actually considering doing this all over again in the not too distant future!


I'm slightly addicted to House.  I love it.  It's a wicked show, not the kind I normally watch, but House isn't any normal show.  I almost got addicted to Monk as well, but that went out with the tide, so I'm sticking with House.

Some of these shows I saw before, but I watched them again anyway.  Also, there was one show on the DVD I saw before and I knew I didn't really like, so I opted not to watch that one.

I don't find the first season as "edgy" as the second one.  I fell in love with the second one, and I'm desperate for these final two episodes to be over, so I can get out and buy that DVD set too!! :D:D:D

A few episodes of House I didn't really like.  One episode had a bit more cursing than normal, and I didn't really like that, some of the shows dealt with subject matter that I really frown upon, and some more shows I wondered if I should be watching this.  BUT, on the other hand, some more shows we perfectly clean, with not a single (even minor) curse word, contained no questionable subject matter, and even censored some stuff which I was very impressed by.

Anyways, that's my story.  House really is a great show.  Highly my favorite on TV.  Which reminds me... IT COMES ON TONIGHT!!!!!  YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Keep Lookin Up

P.S. What's goin on with American Idol now?  Is Simon dead yet?

Author: Rudy » Comments:

Blog Jubliee

Friday, May 12, 2006

Jash celebrated his 50th post a little while ago.  So I in turn started gettin curious about how many posts I had.  I figured I was well ahead of him by a long shot, since I've been blogging longer than him (yes, he stole yet another idea from me) and I thought I blogged more frequently.  But turns out, Jash is ahead of ME!  That's right, this is my 50th blog entry, and I don't even have anything special to celebrate it with!

Oh well, that's life.

I do however have a book cover in the works!  Travis made an amazing graphic which he's allowing me to use.  Now I'm just working on gettin it all put together to make it look good.  Josh is attempting to help me, but the boy isn't too concerned over feeding his family obviously, since he's working on comission!

I'm going to be soon turning over the first three chapters to my editor.  There's going to be a lot of work involved in this thing!  After writing is done, it has to be printed, edited, proof read, put together, before off to the publisher it goes.  I'm anxious though.  This is going to be my first "big" life goal finally complete.  Very Exciting.

Anyways, happy 50th blog to me.  Hope everyone have a good one!

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

Correction: I REALLY WANT A MAC!!!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I was just looking at iLife.  Turns out there IS one for web development.  Called iWeb, and it's the premiere program for Blogging, Podcasting, and all those other things that are taking the world by storm.  I need a job.  A good job.  So I can buy a Mac.  I might check em out when I go to Halifax this summer.  I shouldn't have bought this new PC!!  Then again, she's done me good so far.  But I feel my calling is to the Mac.  Gotta follow the calling, right?

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

I want a Mac

I've never actually used a Mac.  I've only seen one Mac in person, and even then it was off in the distance, and I didn't actually get the chance to touch it.  When the Parker Trio were doing their NL tour, their sound guy used it to show a movie on the screen.

But Mac's are amazing.  I support them, and I don't even have one.  The thing is, I can't get a Mac.  Well, I guess I could, but it'd be hard.  I'm pretty sure they don't sell them in Newfoundland.  So I'd either have to order online, without a credit card, which is virtually impossible, or I'd have to go out of province.

The other down side is I'm sitting on a lot of software here, but it's all for my PC.  Dreamweaver, Flash, Office, Photoshop, all those discs I have with the windows based versions will be worthless if I switched over to Mac!

But then again, Apple comes with a fair bit of software already installed, so it won't be a total loss.  iLife is worth the price of the Mac itself when you see what can be done with it!  Only thing is I don't think they have anything there for web development, which I'm very upset about.

So my dream would be to have a Mac, and have it set up right next to my PC.  I'd  never be able to fully convert to Apple, because PC has been good to me so far.  But I would consider supporting both platforms.

Anyone who wants to donate me a new Mac and a bigger desk, it'd be greatly appreciated!

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

Books I want to Read

I have a number of books on my shelf that I've yet to read.  I want to.  But I can't find the time to sit and read them all, because there's a lot of pages in most of them!!  I gonna post the pictures here, and if you've read any of them, let me know if they're any good.  The first row I only got a few days ago, but the bottom row I've had since Christmas or longer!!  It's a shame how many books I have and don't read em.  But I enjoy them greatly when I DO read them.  lol

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Books I own but haven't read and want to

Author: Rudy » Comments:

Blogging with Firefox

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I just downloaded a great extension for Firefox called Performancing.  See, I always found it a bit of a pain opening up blogger.com every time I wanted to blog.  So then I got the blogger for Word, and loved it.  Until it stopped working!!  Thus, back to square one.  So I continued on with the blogger.com routine, and it affected my blogging because it just took too long.  Until now.

Performancing is going to make this a whole lot easier.  I love it, and I highly recommend it.  It's simple to set up, only 200k to download, and supports my cause for Firefox.

Performancing has a whole bunch of features (including some that blogger doesn't have) and thanks to Firefox, life is better.

Download Firefox from www.mozilla.org and go check out the extensions and search for "Performancing"

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Author: Rudy » Comments: