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Phil and his 4:12

Monday, October 30, 2006

Philippians 4:12 - I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

BibleGateway.com - Passage Lookup: Philippians 4;

Whenever I sign my name for someone, I always add my own personal message in the form of putting "Matt 5:16" at the bottom right hand corner of my name. This is just my way of directing the person to Matthew 5:16 - my favorite verse.

But I think I'm going to start alternating now. Instead of always using Matt, I think I'm gonna start using Phil as well, and adding Philippians 4:12.

A lot of people use Philippians 4:13 as their "Favorite" verse, but it's sorta like John 3:16 - I sometimes feel bad for John 3:15 and John 3:17.

Same case here - I think Philippians 4:12 is just as good, or better, than the verse after it. Paul is making a big statement here. He's saying that he's found a secret of being content in any and every situation.

Oh really now? EVERY situation? Yep, every situation. But what amazes me most is that I can relate to Paul here. After finally letting this verse sink in a bit, I started to see MYSELF in Paul. I suddenly pictured Paul as a guy who said "I'm not particular", and that's like me. I see Paul as a guy who took it as it comes, and made best with what he had. Right here, people.

But Paul couldn't have been more right when he used the word "Secret" to describe the life outlook. Why? Because just like Paul, I have no idea how to tell you what to do in order to get this outlook on life. I really don't. I've tried it several times. I've started to explain it, but it just never worked. But I think Paul gave the best reason WHY we can look at life this way. Read verse 13.

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Steve the Geek

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Bush_Fox_Harper.jpg (JPEG Image, 515x349 pixels)

I seriously think this is sad. I mean, Geroge and the Mexican prez looks right spiffy, casual, and actually dressed for some fun in the sun. Meanwhile, what's Stevey wearin?? He looks like he's goin out in the dien woods instead of the Desert! Could someone please direct Mr. Harper to the wardrobe department, or at least a travel agent that actually tells him where he's going??

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I've seen 35 Disney Movies!

Friday, October 27, 2006

[x] High School Musical
[ ] Holes
[ ] Lizzie McGuire Movie
[ ] Cheetah Girls
[ ] Halloween Town
[ ] Halloween Town High
[ ] Cadet Kelly
total so far: 1

[ ] Get a Clue
[ ] Motocrossed
[ ] Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
[x] Pocahontas
[ ] Pocahontas 2
[ ] Lady and the Tramp
total so far: 2

[ ] Lady and the Tramp 2
[x] Cinderella
[ ] The Parent Trap (original)
[x] The Parent Trap (newer version w/ Lindsay Lohan)
[ ] The Little Mermaid
[ ] The Little Mermaid 2
total so far: 4

[ ] Mary Poppins
[ ] The Fox and the Hound
[x] Dumbo
[x] Pinocchio
[x] Bambi
total so far: 7

[ ] The Great Mouse Detective
[x] The Rescuers Down Under
[x] Toy Story
[x] Toy Story 2
[x] Lion King
[x] Lion King 2
total so far: 12

[ ] Peter Pan
[ ] Peter Pan 2
[ ] Fantasia
[ ] The Three Caballeros
[ ] Alice in Wonderland
[ ] Sleeping Beauty
total so far: 12

[x] 101 Dalmations (animated)
[x] 101 Dalmations (real version)
[ ] 102 Dalmations
[ ] The Sword in the Stone
[x] The Jungle Book
[x] The Aristocats
total so far: 16

[ ] Robin Hood
[x] Oliver and Company
[x] Beauty and the Beast
[x] Aladdin
[x] Aladdin: Return of Jafar
[x] Aladdin: The King of Thieves
total so far: 21

[ ] Finding Nemo
[x] Monsters, Inc.
[x] Hercules
[ ] Mulan
[ ] Mulan 2
[x] Tarzan
total so far: 25

[ ] Lilo & Stitch
[ ] The Hunchback of Notre Dame
[x] The Emperor's New Groove
[ ] The Nightmare before Christmas
[ ] Bed knobs and Broomsticks
[ ] Pete's Dragon
total so far: 26

[x] Remember The Titans
[ ] Who Framed Roger Rabbit?!
[ ] James and the Giant Peach
[x] The Mighty Ducks
[x] A Bug's Life
[ ] The Incredibles
total so far: 29

[ ] A Goofy Movie
[ ] An Extremely Goofy Movie
[x] Atlantis
[x] The Chronicles of Narnia
[ ] Around the World in 80 Days
[ ] Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
total so far: 31

[ ] A Cinderella Story
[x] Pirates of the Carribean: The Black Pearl
[ ] National Treasure
[ ] Princess Diaries
[ ] Princess Diaries 2
total so far: 32

[x] Freaky Friday
[x] Honey I Shrunk the Kids
[x] A Muppet Christmas Carol
[ ] Ice Princess
[ ] Pirates of the Caribean: Dead Man's Chest
total so far: 35

Now post with the title "I've seen __ Disney Movies!"

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So I promised a review of Click along with United 93 (look down).

Click was just "aiight" for me. Yeah, that's right. I didn't really like that one either. Maybe I'm just picky. I can't remember the last time I watched a movie I couldn't stop laughing at. "She's the Man" was actually a pretty good movie. I recommend it. I say that because I realize that was probably the last "good movie" I watched.

But Click? It's not that funny. It's actually really sad. I mean sad in a crying sort of way. A few parts there, I was thinking "man, a sap like Josh would be baulin' his eyes out now".

It gives a good message to corporate America, and all those guys who work is more important than family. But please, hasn't that been done?? Maybe they thought the gimmik of the remote control would make it different, but reality sets in and you're thinking "are they trying to tell us it WOULDN'T be that great to have one of those things?"

I'm going through the movie thinking "Ok, if he doesn't get out of this, my review is going to tear this thing apart." Seriously, I would have called the studio, and complained. I would have e-mailed my thoughts to every single newspaper in North America, telling them how STUPID Click was. But that wasn't the case, obviously, and the movie ended in the same predictable way I figured it would. Oh well.

As i said, it was aiight.

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Flight 93

Thursday, October 26, 2006

I rented two movies tonight. "Click" starring the infamous Adam Sandler, and "United 93" starring some people I've never heard of.

So far, I've only watched United 93. I'll be watching Click tomorrow.

My question about United 93 is simple: what was the point?

Folks, 9/11 was a tragic day. It was a day when a lot of people died, a day when the most powerful nation in the world proved that it wasn't invincible. But in a tradition that started with Titanic, do we REALLY have to keep making movies bringing attention to the WEAKNESSES of things, rather than the STRENGTHS???

It's bad enough that everyone in the world has suddenly become American, but being reminded of it day after day after day, is a bit too much. They made "Flight 93" telling the exact same story. WHY did they have to make United 93 as well? Personally, I think it was totally unecessary.


  • No one knows for sure what exactly happened on the plane
  • Flight 93 was enough
  • It's not a 'story' where you're waiting to find out what happens at the end.
  • Either way you look at it, the movie is painful to watch. Why would someone put themself through that?
  • Being reminded is not a good reason. Reminders are all around us. How much more attention do you need to bring to a tragedy?
  • I could go on.

Anyways, I just had to vent that stuff. If you read it, thanks. If you didn't, stick around - perhaps Click's review will be better.

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I feel like Noah at Christmas

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

It's been raining for days. I'm serious. DAYS!!! Plural there, people. Actually I think we're almost coming upon a full week here now that there hasn't been ONE DAY that we didn't get rain!! Yeah, at least that long. Now I'm starting to feel like Noah. I'm sure we're set for 40 days and 40 nights. I fear that the sun has left us for good, as today I got word someone spotted slop snow on Middle Arm road. Ouch.

Speaking of snow, why in the world is everyone suddenly freaking out about Christmas, already??

I've been swamped with requests for gift ideas like you wouldn't believe, and I've actually even felt kinda rushed because of the obvious closeness of the holiday. Then I stop and realize.... WE'RE STILL TWO MONTHS AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

October 25th, DECEMBER 25th ..... that's TWO MONTHS before Christmas. We've still got Halloween, Remembrance Day, American Thanksgiving-the works! before we get to Christmas.

Yet the dollar store has kicked into high Christmas mode. Sunday School had a meeting last night expressing their plans for the Christmas Program, Operation CHRISTMAS child is due on Sunday (if we have church... don't get me started), and Josh has started his countdown next to his MSN name! This is almost as bad as when he was leaving to go to Edmonton!!

Seems that everyone is freaking out about Christmas, and I'm starting to get the feeling that we're at least in mid to late November, instead of a week from being out of October. We're not close to seeing snow yet, as last year that stuff didn't even show SIGNS of coming until the first of December, and we've still got all of November, Most of December, and a bit of October left!

Calm down people, and start focusing on Halloween first, then Remembrance day, then Christmas.

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I hate the world today....

Sunday, October 22, 2006

... but I love this life God have given.

I really find it amazing that whenever you're 'bored' you can go, and just talk to God for a while.

That's crazy.

Imagine the thought that sometimes God actually MAKES us bored, so we'll have time to talk to Him?

Sure we could sit and complain of how bored we are, and yes, indeed we could probably go and try to find something "better" to do, but why not embrace the opportunity? I mean, isn't this how we should be living our lives? Being THANKFUL that we're bored? Crazy, I know, but imagine... actually being relieved that "OK, I'm bored now, so that's perfect opportunity for me to go spend with God."

Maybe it's just me.

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Don't I Feel Special

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Nor'wester: Mind’s Eye

Apparently the Nor'Wester has been posting my columns online since the 4th of October and I didn't even realize it! Now I feel Special. They didn't used to do that with "Thoughts of a Teen". They posted those boring columns by that young Thomas feller, but they didn't post mine! Well NOW, Thommy is gone, and no one cares about that "Burlington Bulletin" (always thought that was a lame name, myself) and "Mind's Eye" is finally getting the spotlight it deserves! HA! Anyways, click the link at the top there to view the latest column, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the drop down menu to view the previous two, and I guess keep checking back every week to see the latest.

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P.S. I insult because it seems to actually get people to comment on my blog. Charlotte and Josh get countless comments even when they post something as useless as song lyrics and that they missed an english test. I put a video up of a guy freaking levitating, and NUTTIN! |-| Society is corrupt, I tell ya.

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Scott Levitates

Monday, October 16, 2006

Nothing demonic about it, but I still don't know how he does it. Thus, as payback, I put this video on YouTube, and if anyone knows how to do it, please let me know.

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So it's the second last day of vacation. Here I sit in Scott's house in St. John's. Later today I'll be heading back to Clarke's Beach for one more night, and then on Tuesday it's back to Burlington. Oh how I dread that six hour car drive.

Friday we got here through the awful weather. I spoke in Clarke's Beach youth group on Friday night - went good. Carbonear on Saturday, then church on Sunday. Clarke's Beach on Sunday morning (different than home) and Cornerstone on Sunday night (REALLY different than home.)

Cruised the town on Sunday night (last night) and today we're headed out again to see the sights. haha Scott actually has to go to the Confederation building, so I'm gonna take my camera and act like a tourist. lol

Last night I saw Elim, and the Rooms. We went to see the Worship Centre, but we passed by it and didn't realize it. They don't have windows in there, so we missed the building completely.

So far, though, I like St. John's. Although I think it's a place I'd like to spend some time, but not live. Strange, I know, but dems da breaks.

Then again, I'm basing this on what I've seen so far. If anything changes, I'll blog more. Also, I wanna talk more about Cornerstone.

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YC 2006

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Yahoo! Photos - rudy.norman's Photos - YC 2006

Of course, for my 100th blog post (YAY!!!) I promised to give the pics and my recap of YC 2006.

Honestly, I thought it was just "alright" this year. I really don't feel like getting into detail about the spiritual analysis of it all, and let everyone say "well that was just you" because perhaps it was, but I'm a strong-hold Camp supporter now, and YC is pretty much just a concert now, trying to get the big name bands and the popular speakers.

Looking at it from that perspective, though, the bands were pretty good, I must say. Desperation Band was the most "worship" focused there I think, which I liked. No one else knew their songs, but since their CD has been blasting in my car for the last number of months, I knew 'em all. :D

Then Tree63 were fairly worship based after the first night, which was (to their credit) a concert. As for Starfield and Newsboys, to me, they were there to put on a show.

Pictures can be found by clicking the link below the picture at the top.

That's all I have to say about it.

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The Day

Friday, October 06, 2006

YC2006 SHOUT! :: Pepsi Center :: October 6-8 :: Corner Brook Newfoundland :: YC 2006 Info Shout

Today is the big Day I guess. In a few hours we'll be headin er to Corner Brook for YC.

If you pray, PRAY for YC. Even if you don't pray, PRAY for YC. If you don't know what to say PRAY for YC. Just say "God, I pray for YC." He knows your heart, and he knows the hearts of the people that's going to be there this weekend.

Jer came in last night on the same plane Tree63 came in on. Kinda ironic, actually. lol

Anyways, I'm off. My 100th post shall be when I get back from YC, and to make it special I'll make it my recap and post the pictures.

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Bang, Bang

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Note: This is also my column for the paper due out Wednesday, October 11th, but it's what I'm thinking about now, and how I feel.

I’m a firm believer in the fact that you should love everyone. Yes, even the ones who don’t love you back.

Although when applying that principle to my own life, there’s one person who really tests me on the matter. Someone who I admit, I have a hard time loving. But the strange thing is I’ve never met the woman in my life. We’ve never talked, never had a conversation, and I doubt she knows I exist. I e-mailed her once, but no reply back (yet) and even at that, she probably doesn’t even know my last name, address, age, or shoe size.

Her name is Rosie. Last name O’Donnell. She’s a talk show host in New York City. Back in the day she hosted the “Rosie O’Donnell Show” until it went off the air in about 2002. After that she took a break from television, and I pretty much stopped following her career unless I happened to catch her on some entertainment news program.

On the Rosie O’Donnell Show, Rosie had an image that was likeable, charming, and fun. She was funny, entertaining, and interesting to watch. This was also probably what made her show number one in the ratings. But just before Rosie took off from her show in 2002, she decided to make an announcement that would ensure her star status didn’t diminish. Rosie told everyone she was gay. It was something that many suspected and some already knew, but coming straight from the horse’s mouth, it was now undeniable.

After that, the Rosie I knew changed. The fun, entertaining, and interesting talk show host I knew every day after school was now a poster child for free speech – the bad kind.

Since 2002, Rosie has used to celebrity status as a spring board to speak out against things that pushed people’s buttons. She was suddenly a spokesperson for everything Christians didn’t like, apparently, and still called herself an American but loved insulting her political leader.

Rosie is probably most outspoken about an issue she talks about often: gun control. In light of recent tragic events, you can probably guess that Rosie had a field day. It didn’t take her long to push it in everyone’s face the top stories of the day, followed by her commentary “blame the guns, blame the guns!”

Rosie’s attacks were focused primarily on the NRA, (National Rifle Association) who are responsible for guns in America. Rosie’s main message is that it’s the NRA’s fault that so many people are being killed by guns today. She blames the government for not doing a good enough job in keeping guns under control.

I’m curious, however, if Rosie ever heard the quote “guns don’t kill people – people kill people.” It’s very true, I assure you. Sure the bullet leaves the barrel, but a gun is useless unless someone pulls the trigger. People like Rosie are quick to blame the gun companies, but yet they fail to realize they’re contributing to a society that is corrupt and fraudulent by nature.

People like that wonder why a shooting happens in a school, but yet are all for taking prayer out of the same schools the shootings happen at. I find it very ironic that amidst such a recent tragedy that met the same criteria I just mentioned, a church was opened to help students deal with everything that was going on.

Seems that people like Rosie know right where to run when something terrible happens, but don’t bother to go there beforehand, and ask it doesn’t happen in the first place.

Folks, recent school shootings in North America have been very tragic, and I’m not trying to change that fact. But people like Rosie O’Donnell are going to tell you this is a perfect example that stricter gun laws need to be in place. I assure you that the gun laws aren’t our problem. Don’t try to change the guns, change the people, and the guns will take care of themselves.

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

This is a brand new browser very similar to FireFox, except so far, better. WHY is this browser better? Because of it's built in features not in FireFox, such as this blogging service. I'm blogging right from my browser here. With FireFox that had to be an extension, and it was very unstable. With Flock, this is solid as a rock.

But get this one: anything you see online, all you have to do is select it, right click and choose "Blog This" and it automatically inserts what you chose into a new blog post. That's how that Flock Logo got up there. This feature, I like a lot.

It also works with some photo services, but not Yahoo! Photos, so that's a down side. Although this is still in beta, so I'm sure they'll expand. But competing with FireFox? hmmmmm Not sure how they're gonna pull that one off.

The favourites system is also different in this browser. It's all based on Stars, and they use Tags. Great feature. So far, I'm liking Flock. I really am.

Check it out... http://www.flock.com


  • Built In Blogging Service, including the right click "Blog This"
  • Built In RSS News Readers
  • Built In Photo Services
  • Favorites System
  • Operates much like FF 1.x, so users won't have to adjust too much.
  • Close Window "X" is on each individual tab
  • The Stop Button is also the Refresh Button????
  • Blogging Service doesn't have the alignment options in the WYSIWYG, as well as a few more options found in the Blogger WYSIWYG. Its a pain to write the HTML for it all.
  • Photo Service doesn't support Yahoo! Photos (Flickr only allows 20MB... Yahoo gives you Unlimited!!!)
**EDIT: Thanks to the comment of someone from Flock, I've corrected some of the cons. I'm not liking this browser even MORE, and when it's not become pretty much my Default browser. The Pro's outweigh the Cons. Good stuff people. :)**

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