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The Telegram

Monday, July 31, 2006

Just finished the interview with the Telegram. Went very, very well. I think it's going to be a great story. Alisha was very interested in the stuff that mattered - God! She didn't have an agenda, she wasn't trying to be politically correct, and she wanted as much stuff about God as possible. I appreciated that.

If you get the Telegram, look out in the next couple of weeks for the story on Christian Young People in the Province. Good Luck Alisha, and thanks for the opportunity to share my heart.

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

Home Run

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Truth lies not in what you've been told, but what you've experienced. Sometimes, we've yet to experience all that is available for the taking, and thus, have yet to experience full truth.

There comes a time in everyone's life when they look back and wonder could they have done better if they did anything differently. Many believe to answer that question in their own way, and carry on, content, but the time shall come when the question will be answered, and not necessarily in the way the person previously answered it.

This is when they will realize that life threw them a curve. They swung, and missed. The only hope they have, is that it wasn't strike three, bottom of the ninth, two out, and down by one. The only hope they have is that they didn't just lose the game, and let the whole team down. But, while everyone in the stadium was watching that person strike out, there was only one thing going through the mind of the batter: that was "will there be a next time?"

For the batter that doesn't get a next time, they have the rest of their time to think about the what if, and to consider if they could have done anything better. For the person who does get the next at bat, they're now letting another thought go through their mind: of their fate last time, and how they can learn from it. Some step up for the second time and strike out even worse than before. Those people keep getting chances, and decide not to change a thing, and keep striking out. But the true player improves their ability, learns from their mistakes, gets training that will help, and steps up to blast one farther than the eye can see.

The people know the name of the person striking out because of their failure. But the person who overcame adversity, and came out bigger and better, will be known for their accomplishments, their successes, and their good.

So my point: if you strike out, improve your game, come back better, and show the people what a true all-star acts like

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Thanks VOCM

Friday, July 28, 2006

I wanna send a huge thanks out to VOCM (I'd also like to know what VOCM stands for... if it's an acronym) for giving some great promo to RSG. They ran the link on their site, and ran the radio story as well, just as they promised. Also, Randy Simms treated the site really well on Back Talk in the afternoon. Thanks a lot to everyone at VOCM!

Also, I'll be doing an interview with the Telegram out of St. John's on Monday as part of a story on Christian Youth in the province. I'll get more details on it later, and of course, I'll pass 'em along then.

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

A Face for Radio

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Just a quick one, to let everyone know I'll be on VOCM sometime in the not too distant future (hopefully) promoting Rock Solid Generation The only thing I hope is that they don't alter the interview to suit their political correctness. Seems like the interviewer and I had different agendas to where the interview was going to go. Say a little prayer for it, will ya?

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Yoda Bow-Wow

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Bloggin' Twice in One Day, man, I'm on a roll.

Let it be known that I'm totally against dressing up dogs. I think it's cruel and no one should put their dog through that. There should really be a law against it, if I had my way. BUT, even I gotta say this is cute.

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

Is it the End?

Israel goes to war, and everyone starts freaking out. And so they should. If anyone goes to war I think it’s cause for concern, but I especially start taking notice when our friend Isreal start takin' shots. Why? Well, perhaps the fact that all this has been written about a few thousand years ago has something to do with it.

I'm not a professional on Bible prophecy by any means. I don't claim to be a professional, and half of me is saying that I don't want to be a professional. But I know enough to realize that what's going on in Israel isn't a shocker. People who know the Bible have been saying it for years and years. And what blows my mind is that there are still those who refuse to believe it.

There's some verses in Revelation that I could never understand. It talks about after Satan is bound for 1000 years, he's released one more time for one more round of temptation, and even THEN there are going to be those who don't believe. I always read that and thought "man, how can that be? After everything that's going to have happened up to that point, people STILL won't believe?" But after the goings on of today, I'm starting to see how that's possible.

I find it amazing how some people can read any book besides the Bible, and have no problem believing what's written on the page, but when the truth of the Bible starts playing out around us, they STILL think it's a bunch of lies. It's at the point now, I think where some people just don't want to believe. I don't know what it's like that, and just because I think they're all a bunch of idiots doesn't change the fact.

But with what's going on the Middle East, one has to ask themselves, "is it the end?" I mean, is this really the last few moments before the Lord comes back? Let me show you a verse in the book of Zechariah. Now, there's something you must know before we go on here. The book of Zechariah was written a nice while ago. How long ago? Chapters 1-8 were written approximately 520-518 BC. Chaptes 9-14 were written around 480 BC. The verse we're gonna look at is found in Chapter 12, so we're talking about something that was written a long, long time before Jesus Christ even showed up on the earth. The verses, though, say this: "
I will make Jerusalem and Judah like an intoxicating drink to all the nearby nations that send their armies to besiege Jerusalem. On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone, a burden for the world.
None of the nations who try to lift it will escape unscathed." The Bible says that nations will rise up against Israel. If you follow World News at all, you'll know that the nations of the world are not too fond of Israel right now. Even Canada's people are against our PM for taking a stand behind Israel.

All of this, though, must happen not before the rapture, but before the Glorious Appearing. The Rapture happens at least 7 years before the Glorious Appearing, and already we're seeing signs of the things that must happen.

I personally think that Jesus has His hand on the doorknob ready to open it, Gabriel is inhailing waiting to blow that trumpet, the cloud is on stand by and the mount of olives is bracing itself for the greatest entrance and exit the world has ever seen, when it witnesses the entry of Jesus Christ, and the exit of all those who have chosen to follow him up to that point. I can't wait. Now where's that Good Ole Gospel Ship?

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651 Days, 13 hours

Friday, July 21, 2006

October 7, 2004, as far as I can figure out, was a pretty big day for me.  It was the day before we left to go to YC 2004 in Gander.  But before we go there, let's go back even FARTHER to December 25th, 2003.  That's the day I got a gift that made me feel grown up.  Someone actually gave me a very cool looking blue device, that could actually be put to good use-my very first razor.

I thought it was cool, because it was electric.  Not only that, it was also one of those cool ones they advertise on TV.  The head (the part that shaves) actually takes the shape of your face, so it's flexible and all that good stuff.

I used that razor for a long time.  Always gave a nice clean shave.  I used it, in fact, until October 7, 2004.  That night, while preparing for the YC trip the next day, I made some final arrangements, and did two things I was due up for: a haircut, and a shave.

Time went on.  You can see in some of the pictures of YC 2004, I appear with my new haircut, and new shave, which took place just the night before.  Of course, things started to grow back within time.  The beard which I always kept away, started to appear again in a couple of days.

One day, while sitting in class, (no idea which class... probably English) Ashley Saunders and I were having a conversation.  During that conversation, she issued me a challenge.  Keep the beard growing, until Graduation, which was a little over 7 months away.  I accepted.

We went on until May, and on May 13th, 2005, I realized I had met Ashley's challenge.  The beard was still there, and up to that point, had not been completely shaven since that night before YC 2004.

I looked at myself in the mirror on May 13th, and prepared to remove the facial hair.  But then, I realized something: I couldn't do it.  This beard had become a part of me.  It was now who I am.  I shouldn't get rid of it.  "I will Keep It!"

And so, I've lived every single day since then, with a beard.  It wasn't any Abraham Lincon type thing, but it was mine, and I liked it.

The thing is, nan has been bugging me ever since that day in October when she realized I had gone longer than usual without shaving, to remove the beard.  She's made it known to me, and to others - she don't like it.  But like I said, I liked it and that's all that mattered.

Now to the big moment.  A few moments ago, I did the unthinkable.  It shocks even me to say it, but the truth must come out.  Ladies and Gentlemen, I got rid of the beard.

That's right.  It's gone.  I don't know why I did it, but I did.  It's Gone.

I now feel very upset.  I want to go into hiding until it grows back.  I assure you, I won't be shaving it anymore after this, but the 651 Days, 13 hours I spent with a beard now seems like they've gone down the tubes.  Now I'm back to 1 hour 9 minutes.  But oh well.  Here's to going for day 652 this time around.

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

Bloggin on da Road

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Well, I guess I'm not really on the road. I'm at Rob's house right now, thus I'm not home, so that's why I consider it on the road. We're watchin a movie which I brought, thus I've already seen it. So I decided to get online for a while. Was pretty bored, so I blogged.

By the way: the reason I'm here is because we're havin a get-together type thing for Tash, cause it's her birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TASH!!

I was also going to talk about my new "Wow" movie that I've seen recently, but I think I'll save it until I get all the movies watched, which could be a while yet. I'll give ya a hint... it starts with "Star" and ends with "Wars".

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

CSS Problems

Sunday, July 16, 2006

I'm not sure why, but I seem to be having some problems with my site, and showing it in FireFox.  I use FireFox, so this is very frustrating for me.  I'm trying to figure out what's wrong, but I'm not a pro at this stuff, and I'm getting rather upset with it.

If anyone has any advice, please let me know.

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

Away for a While

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Just wanted to clear up perhaps a bit of a misunderstand.

On Monday, June 10, 2006, I was on MSN, and had to take a break for a moment to record my podcast.  Thus, I set my status to "Away" and stated I'd be back later.

While I was recording my podcast, however, someone came and wanted to buy my pocket bike.  I had to run and deal with that, thinking I'd return, but I then ended up going to Scott's, and not getting home until now, 1:40AM on June 11, 2006.

For several hours, however, people figured I was recording my podcast, since my MSN was still left on, when in actuality, the podcast didn't get done afterall.  My apologies for all those people who were freaking out at me on MSN.

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Author: Rudy » Comments:


Saturday, July 08, 2006

April Kelly is goin down.  That's right, April Kelly, I said you.


When I say everywhere, I mean, most importantly, even in my ears.  I'm here pickin sand out of my ears.

You're in for it April Kelly.  Your day is comin.  You wait.

Keep Lookin Up .... especially April, cause you never knows what's comin!

Author: Rudy » Comments:


Thursday, July 06, 2006

Could someone - ANYONE - please tell me what it means to be a professional??  I mean, what qualifies it?  Where's the line you cross to go into a professional?

I ask this after I bought a book today, and on the back where it talks about the author, it describes him as a "professional storyteller."


What's that again?

A Professional Storyteller.

Yeah, I figured it was something crazy the first time I heard it....

Anyways, I'm not even going to bother.  Actually yeah, I am gonna bother.  You know why?  Because this is MY blog, and MY bothering!

What in the world makes a person a professional story teller?  HOW, I ask you, can a person even be CALLED a professional storyteller??

At first, when I thought about it (and yes I did think about it) I figured that you're a professional when you do something for a living.  But then I wondered "so that guy I saw in McDonald's today... he was a professional... burger... flipping... frying... guy..."  I don't hink so.

So then I thought maybe you have to have a degree or some kinda education in the field of which you speak.  But then I realized... why aren't there professional Pastors?  Professional Missionaries??  Professional Teachers?  Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm??

So where does the professional come in?  I WANT TO KNOW!

I wanna be a professional.  A professional in what, I don't know, but at least I'll be a professional!  Someone let me know please.

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

Conversion in Two

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Yes, yes, it's true.  In about two weeks, I'll be making the all important conversion from glasses to contacts.  It would actually be sooner, but the guy who does the thing with the stuff is gone on vacation for a while.  Thus, I have to wait until the 18th to get the contacts.

My new glasses although, will be picked up this week.  I forget what they look like now, actually, because it's been a while since I picked them out, and I didn't put a whole lot of thought into it either.  I do know, however, that they have some thing in 'em that makes things look a lot sharper.  THAT,  I'm looking forward to.

But we'll find out soon enough how it all works.  Hopefully the contacts will work out, anyway.  If they don't, then I will be rather upset.

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

New Look

Monday, July 03, 2006

Ok, so the truth is out. I actually hated my old look. But it was easy to operate. For all this time, I've been looking for a better way to manage this, PLUS a better look. Thus, you have this.

I like this new look. Seriously. I really do. Plus, it's going to be fairly easy to update and maintain.

The navigation is to the right, and isn't really working right now, but it's getting there. I still have a lot of work left to do on this, but it'll all come together eventually.

*Update*:About Me, What I Believe, RudCast, Friends, Links and Contact now work.

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Author: Rudy » Comments:

Because Josh Inspired Me

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Last night I was writing in my vent book about friends. After reading Thoma’s blog, it’s brought me back to that point again.

Friendships sometimes depress me, because I’m at the point now if I’m wondering if it even matters anymore. There used to be this person who made me figure that friendships meant something. This person was above and beyond a friend on most cases, and could easily fit the description of “best friend.” Then it left. The friendship deteriorated, and now we’re more of acquaintances. It went from “yeah, this person is doin this tonight” to “hey, what have you been up to lately?”

The thought of that cuts sharper than a knife. I’m a firm believer in the fact that everyone should have someone to vent to. Someone they trust, they feel comfortable with, and they know they can tell ANYTHING to. Lately I’m finding myself keep so much stuff in. That’s why I went
and bought the vent book, and I’m finding myself writing page, upon page, upon page of venting. Only thing about it is the book doesn’t talk back.

Then friendships come and go. Or so they say. But see, I don’t buy into that! “Well, things change, people change”. Sure, maybe they do, but I don’t think friendships change, unless you want them to change. If someone wants to move, and you cut off all contact with them and stuff, and don’t make an effort to remain friends, then yes, that friendship is gonna die, but if you make the effort, I’m convinced that the friendship will not be broken!

Like I said, it hurts me on the inside when I think about this. I’m thinking I’m soon gonna have to find a girlfriend who’ll end up bein da wife, so I’ll have another “best friend.”

I think that some friendships die, but it only happens when the people involved let it. Oh what I’d give to have the time back.

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