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Church and Rock Music

Monday, January 30, 2006

This is officially the longest I’ve went without posting anything in my blog.  Not like there’s been anything going on worth posting, but that’s besides the point.

Church last night was amazing.  Josh, if you’re reading this, you left WAY too early, man.  The whole service was pretty quiet, and a very soft worship atmosphere.  Unreal sense of God’s presence.  Then after they prayed at one point, someone shouted out “I WENT BACK TO THE ENEMY’S CAMP BROTHER DEAN!”  So we cranked it up, and belted it out.  That brought on a whole new way of worship, as it got the people to their feet, and dancing around the church.  Then the pastor gets up and tells the people something, I really don’t think they knew up to that point-“you’re just getting started!!”  So we continued on singing some more “upbeat” songs, and worshiped God like true Pentecostals!  It was awesome.

I’ve been listening to a lot of Seventh Day Slumber lately.  Some of their lyrics are amazing, and really capture some of the deepest parts of this life we live.  Their music style isn’t something I’m used to, and you probably won’t see them coming out with a worship album any time soon (although it would be awesome if they did) but just their message they bring through the music is incredible.

Anyway, I’m off.

Keep lookin’ up

Author: Rudy » Comments:

Hand Me a Shovel

Friday, January 27, 2006

I just got in from outside where I braved the mid-January temperatures and went on a mission, just me and Selby the Shovel.  Yes, I have named my shovel.   The excessive amount of snow we’ve got over the past couple days has officially led me to qualify this as “winter.”  Thank you, mother nature, now you may take your snow back, since we’re done with it.

In other beefs, I have a morbid fear that Canada’s gonna turn into another America.  Not economically, or anything, but what they consider “funny.”  From what I’ve seen, Stephen Harper is the tail end of more jokes than you can imagine these days, and it very much reminds me of Mr. Bush and US entertainment.  What’s wrong with society, is all I ask.

I’m posting this blog using the new add on for Microsoft Word.  Whether I like it or not, I’m actually not too sure.  I’ll let you know after I use it for a while.

Just to mention a couple of projects I have on the go:  I’ve started thinking about my new site design.  Some things that are very exciting I must say so myself.  Also, I think me and Jash are gonna try to do a pretty cool project in the not too distant future.  Stay tuned for that.

Keep Lookin’ Up

Author: Rudy » Comments:

The Election

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Ok, so I haven't written in this thing for a while, which is really sad because I was doing really good with the one a day thing. Either way, I'm really in a rush right now because I have a lot of work to do and way too many assignments to complete. Although, seeing this has set fire inside me, and I have to say something about it.

I was just watching a Canadian Entertainment show, and they interviewed several Canadian celebs regarding the newly elected Prime Minister. What really bugs me is every single person they interviewed downed the Conservatives, comparing it to President Bush's America. Some people were saying they were PRAYING for a minority. "Minority GOOD, Conservative, BAD" said one guy.

Personally, I believe if this is any taste of the society we live in, I regret the fact that we actually reside in this country. When it becomes negative for a political leader to speak out in support of religious freedoms and not support such vile acts of legalizing protitution, homosexual marriage, and others, then it's not the government that's corrupt, rather it's the people living in the country.

The fact is, no matter who won the election, they were set to be the target of critisism and the punch line of every joke you can think of. Canada is a nation, just like the United States who for some reason finds it entertaining to poke fun of those in authority and those of higher power. This principle didn't start with George Bush and Stephen Harper, however, but it's been going on since the world of "comedy" and "entertainment" began.

Where is a nation and where is a people who are willing to stand up and not be afraid to stand up in defence of authority? Where is a people who aren't afraid to say "I RESPECT" whoever has the duty to be head and chief of our great nation. (WHICH by the way, just like the states was built on the foundation of a Biblical standard)

Stephen Harper is Prime Minister not by his own choice, but rather the confidence and the support of the same people who are now rising against him already-the citizens of Canada. The way people are talking you'd think Harper is our new communist leader. But that's not the case. Stephen Harper is our new democratic leader. The man who the people of this nation believe can do the best job in preparing us for the future. What's wrong with just accepting it, and going on with life?

Keep Lookin' up

Author: Rudy » Comments:

Can you say Withdrawl?

Sunday, January 22, 2006

The second Sunday in a row and there's no church!! Since December 11, we've had ONE-count it, ONE-full day of Sunday Services! I'm seriously goin through withdrawl (don't know how to spell it, and don't really care) and if they don't have church tonight, I'm gonna go insane! There's only so long I can go without Great God Jehovah before I get upset.

The fact we have no church can only mean one thing. Yep, the ground is covered in snow once again. This isn't an unfamiliar sight, but if we wake up tomorrow morning and it's still there, I'll be impressed.

Finally, tomorrow is the big day. Indeed, election day is here. Not gonna call it, cause I really don't know. Stevey Boy has let me down the last couple of days. I guess the polls went to his head, and he's way too sure of himself. If the way he's acted the last while is any indication how he's gonna be in office, then he can forget about my vote. Honestly, Jack Layton has a good campaign, but he wouldn't make Prime Minister. And good ole Paul would actually get a plug comin from my way if he didn't wanna get gay marriage in there. Oh wait.... and the sponsorship scandal... that too.

Keep lookin up

Author: Rudy » Comments:

Hopefully it'll go farther

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Last night was unreal. There's no doubt that God moved in a big way, but I only hope it didn't stop when the lights went off at the church and we went home. I don't know about anyone else, but what I want most of all is to see what happened Friday night all the time. Not just qualify it as a "good service" but let it be a lifestyle for every person around. When we get that attitude, that's when we'll see things happen.

Keep Lookin Up

Author: Rudy » Comments:

God Can You Hear Me?

Friday, January 20, 2006

There's a song that I've found great encouragement in lately. It's a song by Tait, called "God Can You Hear Me?" Click the link below to hear it.

God Can You Hear Me? by Tait

Author: Rudy » Comments:

Does this make sense?

Thursday, January 19, 2006

I woke up this morning, looked out the window, and saw the grass and gravel driveway. Last night when I got home I had to drive through the snow to get into that same driveway. It's times like this I wonder does it really make a whole lot of sense for our weather to be going like this? I know that Newfie weather is supposed to be known as unpredictable, but never have I seen a winter like this in all my days.

In other news, some psycho who's e-mail address I refuse to post is freaking a lot of people out by getting them on MSN and telling them things about their personal life that only they know, and stuff there's no way anyone else can figure out. Bottom line, he (by his own gender claim) has said some stuff to some people thus far which really pushes way past the line of a joke and having fun. If you have this guy on your MSN, don't talk to him! Feeding the fire isn't going to help.

Finally, I was informed yesterday that Baie Verte youth group are interested in having a youth rally. Looks like we're invited, whenever it's gonna be. They're interested in getting our band to lead worship, and they've asked if I'd speak. More details are gonna be worked out with this later on, so stay tuned for updates.

Keep lookin up

Author: Rudy » Comments:

American Idol

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I watched American Idol last night, and provided commentary on every person who sang. A total of 30 people made the cut for their big television moment. Please note that all of my decisions and comments were made BEFORE the judges decided if they should go to Hollywood or not, thus this is my opinions, not based on what Simon said. Here you go:


  1. Derek Dupree: Pretty sure of himself. Are you kidding me? That was sad. Every year they’ve gotta have a gimmick. This guy wasn’t a good choice.
  2. Katrina Yaukey: What was that she started with? Millions of songs out there and she can’t choose one?
  3. Justin Sticht: The first song was just sad. The second one? I admit, wasn’t the worst thing I’ve heard

Break… and we’re back

Just gotta mention, the guy in the little girl costume? I see why your mom didn’t believe in you.

  1. The Twins: Not really my style. Don’t they weren’t that great, actually.
  2. (twin 1) Terrell Brittenum: Good strong voice… average for me
  3. (twin 2) Darryl Brittenum: Wow. I was impressed

Paula putting the moves on Simon…. Poor act

  1. Gina Glocksen: Get out of the dentist office! I love this girl’s voice. Wow, amazing. Great look as well. Really suits her.
  2. Gina Noriega: Why do they even show people like this?
  3. Mandisa Hundley: Doing Alicia Keys? That’s suicide. Good big note. Would have liked to see more.

What was Simon getting off with about the bigger stage? If he thinks Mandisa was big, I pity poor Reuben!

Break… here we go again

  1. Kevin Brenneman: Who’s this guy foolin? In some foreign country I’m willing to bet he’d be big. Not here man
  2. Charles Berry: Not nearly good enough. I don’t think it was the WORST thing, but still not that great.

Even if Simon IS an act, that’s not good TV. Is this what America enjoys?

  1. Amanda (Didn’t catch her last name): Wish I didn’t catch her at all.
  2. Brandon Groves: I wish you’d shoot something! This guy is a respected member of the community. Not anymore. How many times did he say that line over?

Another Commercial?

Every year they do this with someone…. It’s sad

  1. Christine Davis: Dress is nice… voice is OK in her own special way. She’s cute, but not good enough

Derek Dupree on the street? Get that guy off the screen please

  1. Blake Boshnack: This hurts me to watch. Your 15 seconds are up, man, see ya
  2. Derek Dupree (again): I actually liked him the first time. How much are they paying this guy? Seriously
  3. Eric Lawhon: I didn’t think children were allowed in this competition?

GO GRANDMA!! Too Bad Simon is right about your grandson though.
How many sponsors do these guys have?

  1. Brooke Barrettsmith: I liked her. She’s cool
  2. Leah Barrettsmith: More smooth. Like her too. Not as cool, but she’s good. Actually probably a better voice
  3. Yvette Gomez: If she’s been singing all her life, I give my sympathy for her family
  4. Zachary Smits: Not really my style, but it’s pretty good
  5. Jessica Nelson: The worst part? She probably thinks she’s good

That girl that was talking to the camera’s for a while there, but and losin her mind? I actually thought she was a half decent singer. NOT better than Carrie Underwood, but decent.

  1. David Radford: REALLY not my style of music. Honestly, I don’t like this kinda stuff. But, I think he’s good at what he does.
  2. Crystal Parizanski: This girl seriously had me rolling around on the floor. She defies logic, and science all at once. If they let her through she’s gonna be the laughing stock of the WORLD!

How many commercials is this? Not counting the ones I missed!

  1. Stuart (Weird Last name): This guy must not know this is AMERICAN Idol.
  2. Yuliya Matus (Probably not spelled right): Don’t like the song, and I pity America if they have to put up with her for three more years. Why is Paula taking off her clothes?

    Ok, there’s another commercial, and two people sang since the last one. That’s not even right!

  3. Joshua Simmons: I like this song, and he does a half decent job with it
  4. Jarrett Simmons: Pretty good. Just as good as his brother
  5. David Hoover: This is what Stefan Newbury is gonna be like next year at Canadian Idol. This guy is flatter that a pancake run over by a 747. I think the worse thing is that he probably knows he can’t sing, and is just trying to beat the system.

Author: Rudy » Comments:

The Sky is Falling

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Someone once said that if you don't like Newfoundland weather, just wait a while. That couldn't be any more (I don't know what word to put here) than now. 3am this morning it was 7 degrees and raining outside. By 8am, the temp had dipped into the minus, and we had about 6 inches of snow on the ground.

It's finally looking like January, but it's much too cold for me. When's the next flight to Florida?

Keep Lookin Up

Author: Rudy » Comments:

Into the Unknown

Monday, January 16, 2006

Well, last night I took a trip to Middle Arm for church, since we didn't have any here at home. Whenever you go into a church you're not familiar with and haven't been in that often, seems that you notice more things than you would at your own place of worship. Some of the things I found myself realizing last night was unreal; simply because they were different from how we do things, and I'm just not used to it.
For instance, the pastor opening the service up in prayer by staying on his knees and praying with his back to the congregation. I realized that we used to do it the same way in the past at our church, but for some reason last night I found it a bit strange. Goes to show when you get used to something, it's hard to move past it. Then I realized that they sing a lot more hymns than Choruses. For some reason, our church seems to be vise-versa. I'm used to that, thus I prefer that.
All in all, the service I thought went really good. The Pastor seems to be a very comical guy who's passionate about worship more than anything. A few comments he made last night not only in his sermon, but in the rest of the service as well I really hung on to, and enjoyed. Middle Arm church is cool. I'd go back.
Keep Lookin Up

Author: Rudy » Comments:

So You've Had a Bad Day?

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Well, a Sunday without church feels like a hospital without sick people. It just doesn't seem right. But unfortunetly that's the case today, and the reason for it is not a good one. Deepest condolences to the family of Uncle Harv Newbury who suddenly passed away on Thursday. I'm not sure when the funeral is, but prayers for the family is something they'll definitely need right now.

Another Poem

Here's yet another poem I was telling you about the other day.

The Easy Road
By Rud

The easy road
Oh how it sings
A joyful song
Of wonders it brings

The easy road
Oh how it yearns
For just one more
To take it’s turn

The easy road
Oh how it wails
Sunken the ship
Thrown away the sails

The easy road
Oh how I wait
You’ve torn down the fence
Left open the gate

The easy road
How hard it’s been
Living this life
In a world of sin

Hockey Game Last Night

It hurts my soul to even think about it. Toronto lost after being up 3-0 in the first period. Saying they slacked off is the biggest understatment of the year, with at one point, having 4 guys in the Penalty box at once. I really can't talk any more about this, because it hurts that much.

Goblet of Fire

I've finally seen the new Harry Potter movie, and I'll give a review of it probably tomorrow.

Anyway, that's about it for now.

Keep lookin up

Author: Rudy » Comments:

Letter to God

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Here's one of those poems I told you about yesterday.

Letter to God
By Rud

Can I confess
Or is it too late
Why did I do it
Why did I wait
Have you closed the gate

I’ve thought about it
A time or two
I’ve called in the darkness
I’ve called to you
What should I do

I didn’t hear it
Or I didn’t want it
You know me better
Than I can even know
My thoughts before I thought it
My love before I felt it
My feelings before I live it
You know

Then why is it so hard
To leave it up to You
Why is it so hard
Tell me
Or do you know

Of course you do
If you didn’t
I wouldn’t
Be here
But tell me God
What do You know
Can I know too
Perhaps I already do

But I can’t bring it forth
To the front
Where I can see it
Where everyone can see it
Without sight I’m blind
But You are mine

So into the unknown
I go without fear
Because You are near
Thank you God
You are near

You hold my hand in the storm
You take back what the canker worm
Has eaten
You will have the victory
And I will be by your side

Thank you God

Author: Rudy » Comments:

All Systems Go

Friday, January 13, 2006

Well, this is day two of my whole blogging experience. The fact that I've managed to do this for two days in a row is a miracle in itself. I've realized that even though I think about a considerably vast amount of information in the span of 24 hours, most of it I wouldn't even dare think about sharing with the rest of you. Why? Because most likely you would get the automatic assumption (shouldn't assume by the way) that I'm crazy. Then, before I know it, a few of you are getting together and making plans. One of you is (or are; honestly I'm not quite sure) looking in the phonebook for the number to Waterford Hospital in St. John's, while the rest of you are arguing over who's getting the fruit basket and who's getting the $75.00.

Youth Night

Tonight is yet another youth night. Only the second one of the year, and I've already gotten word of two members of the worship team who won't be there. I'm fearful that as the day progresses other series of unfortunate events (did that movie ever come out on DVD?) are bound to take place. If not, then I guess this is just a lucky day. But, considering it's Friday the 13th, I can't help but be just a little tiny bit superstitious.

The Weather

It's incredibly warm for this time of year. Then again, we got snow yesterday, so this is probably a bad time to mention this. If I had this blog a week ago, that would have been a good time to mention this topic. Note to self: Start blogs earlier.


My good friend Requel sparked my energy last night and had me digging through the archives for some poems I wrote a while ago. These are never before seen works with only two or three of them read by anyone besides myself. Not even Robin has seen these things. I'm debating whether to share them or not. Perhaps I will, perhaps I won't. First thing first, I'm gonna have to come up with a reason for people to actually read this blog. Hmmmmm..... never thought of that before.

That's pretty much it for this post. I seriously highly doubt being able to keep this up every day much longer. But oh well. We'll see how it goes.

Keep Lookin Up,

Author: Rudy » Comments:

First Blog

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Greetings fine people!

Well, this is the first entry in my brand new, state of the art blog. It took some fooling around with to actually get it to work, but everything seems to be up and running pretty smoothly now. I hope nothing breaks, cause if it does, I have no idea how to fix it.

Well, let's see what we can talk about.

The Election

The election is on the go. Honestly, I don't HATE Paul Martin, but I don't agree with much of the stuff he does either. Honestly, I think I would actually vote for the guy if he didn't want to legalize gay marriage, prostitution, and all that other stuff that I'd dead against. Thus, Steven Harper seems to be the best choice. Not to mention, if he gets in it'll be the first time in years that we won't have a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec as our Prime Minister.


Church seems to be going great these days. Last Thursday night in CA's was amazing, and Sunday night gone and Prayer meeting last night was something to remember. Now I'm looking on to this Friday night and hope it goes along the same lines. Pray for this week's service, will ya?

Anyway, I gotta jet and get to work. Make some money to support the wife and kids. Hopefully this blog will be a routine thing for the next little while, until I get the full site up and running.

Keep Looking Up,

Author: Rudy » Comments: